» Sat Feb 19, 2011 5:23 am
My first glimpse of Brink was when I somehow came across the Freedom of Movement trailer pretty soon after it came out. I liked the unique art style, but I wasn't sold on it yet because I honestly thought the SMART system looked a tad gimmicky with the whole sliding under the security gate thing. But after I watched the Container City Previews and got a better look at the game, I was hooked. Lurked on these forums for a few months to try and learn more about the game, then I finally broke down and registered so I could argue with H0RSE about our different views on ADS. I kept coming back, and since I had an account now I figured I'd contribute every once in awhile.
Fun fact: This is the second online forum I've ever been an active member of - the first was Gearbox's forum when I was waiting for Borderlands to come out.