» Sat Aug 28, 2010 8:29 pm
So far I've only actually finished the NCR playthrough, the other ones I've started got scrapped either in the first 5 hours, or somewhere between 30 and 60. And I have no idea why. But anyways, I did Guns for that NCR playthrough and I've planned out my next couple of attempted playthroughs.
Current: Yes Man - Energy Weapons. Actually the first time I've ever used Energy Weapons, just never got into them in any of the other Fallout Games, just always went straight for the good ol' fashion guns.
Next: Legion - Explosives. Going to do a Trashcan Man (Stephen King's The Stand) Run. Figure Caesar and his Legion is probably the closest to Randall Flagg, with his stances on Alcohol/drugs and Crucifixions.
Then: NCR - Guns/Minor Melee. My Sniper again, my friend lost the flashdrive I had him on so I need to remake him. And I want to do a few things differently. Sort of like the fact I want to add in Melee so I don't have to waste bullets on annoying things haha.
Lastly(well, of the planned ones for now) House -Probably Energy Weapons, maybe Guns, can't really decide right now. Thinking it's going to be someone who's in it all for the caps, and Energy Weapons seems the way to go for someone swimming in caps right? hahaha