How did your Lydia die.
Died by the hands of one of them Dragon Priests on top of a mountain (don't recall the name of the place.)
When she died was the one time I actually managed to defeat the Dragonpriest, so I didn't want to load a prev. save, sooo..
R.I.P Lydia
Died because she doesn't exist in my game...mah boy Oritius ain't no dragonborn yo
I accidentally Fus Roh Da'ed her of high hrothgar. I went like
Ohhhhh Sh*********t .
*Proceeds to reload nearest autosave*
She died???
*runs to Whiterun and kicks in the door to Breezehome, relieved to see her mooching off my food.
Don't scare me like that!
Friendly fire from my own mage. She always gets right in front of me. RIP, Lydia. You will (not) be missed.
I've sneak attacked and killed her several times in the heat of battle, recently lost belethor this way too when fending off a vampire attack
my lydia died during the first time i played skyrim "i don't remember who killed her (it wasn't my character) but she died in battle." i was sad i missed her "i'm sworn to carry your burdens".
I killed her 4 times in a nasty bottleneck in one of the ancient Nord ruins, where there's a swinging gate trap and several high level draugr in a confined space. Each time I had to fight like a demon just to get through it, and each time I'd see her dead on the ground afterwards. I assume I was hitting her with the backswing of my battleaxe. I finally just left her in the first chamber and cleared the rest by myself. Now I would just let her stay dead, I've decided to play dead-is-dead for everyone except my player character.
She gets a lot of grief, but all the other housecarls and most of the warriors are just as bad about running in front of you or triggering traps. I've learned to keep circling around the enemies so she stays on the other side of them from me. Or just let her go ahead and watch her back.
It was more like an execution really. I took a few steps back from draugrs and then I did forward powerattack. At the same time Lydia went into defeated state just so that my sword chopped through her neck.