How did Zelda beat Skyrim?

Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 7:27 pm

Because The Legend of Zelda is one of the most popular video game series in the entire world and everyone knows what it is. There are still plenty of people who have no idea what Skyrim or The Elder Scrolls is.

That's kinda funny. I've been an Elder Scrolls fan for years. I haven't played Zelda since the one came out on the original nintendo. I actually enjoyed Mike Tyson's Punchout more. Different strokes I guess.
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Monika Fiolek
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 4:04 pm

Complex to develop, not play. We're talking about why a remake of Tetris that keeps the same basic formula but adds pretty 3D graphics and uses a Wii-mote might be less buggy than a huge, open-world game.

Skyrim doesn't look like it was complex to develop, it being simpler in execution than previous TES games and countless other RPGs, and it certainly isn't complex to play. It's a casual RPG.
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Jay Baby
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 12:10 pm

Because of popularity. Who cares about polls.
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Gemma Woods Illustration
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 9:07 am

Skyrim doesn't look like it was complex to develop, it being simpler in execution than previous TES games and countless other RPGs, and it certainly isn't complex to play. It's a casual RPG.

What do you mean simpler in execution? Dragons alone had to be harder to code than anything in previous TES games, and TES is the only RPG that does open-world to this degree. Coding open-world games like this is a nightmare.

Complex to play isn't what we're talking about; creating 4,000 different stats for you to monitor isn't technically complex at all. Just time consuming.
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Thomas LEON
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 12:16 am

Complex to develop, not play. We're talking about why a remake of Tetris that keeps the same basic formula but adds pretty 3D graphics and uses a Wii-mote might be less buggy than a huge, open-world game.

Again: you confuse "complexe" and "time consuming".

two things;

1) The game is not only about graphics. Even if the graphics are extremely complexe to build, and they are, that doesn't mean the game as a whole was complexe to design.

2) Simple systems are simple to develop. It is that simple (yes, pun intended).

edit: Yes i know the nature of the beast (sandbox) makes it complexe to code, but we are not talking about the same thing. When you say "complexe to develop", I think you actually mean "complexe to program". The developpement part is figuring the systems and building the gameplay, not about how to write lines of code. Even that is not complexe: like everything, it simply requires the programmer to know the code, and then he's off.
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phil walsh
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 4:31 pm

Quite true, although thinking about it there is a new plot, new textures, new sounds, new models, and new characters.

Just kidding, I'm not a CoD really devoted fan, but to be fair MW3 did have quite a good storyline.

Mw3 is pathetic,pretty much everyone i play cod with on ps3 and xbox have either shelved it or traded it in already and are back on blops, they didnt just take mw2 and give it a lick of paint they beat it with a lead pipe till it was a shadow of its former self then painted it.

Atleast zelda looks as though its constantly improved over the years.
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Bryanna Vacchiano
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 7:38 pm

Zelda didn't beat Skyrim. Game of the Year awards are a joke.

Edit: Not just because they disagree with me in this case, either. Skyrim -will- win a GotY award, I'm certain, GotY contests are still a joke.
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Maria Garcia
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 12:21 pm

Again: you confuse "complexe" and "time consuming".

two things;

1) The game is not only about graphics. Even if the graphics are extremely complexe to build, and they are, that doesn't mean the game as a whole was complexe to design.

2) Simple systems are simple to develop. It is that simple (yes, pun intended).

I'm not talking about graphics. I'm talking about game-world design, AI scripting, event scripting and everything else that has to be considered in development in a free-form completely open-world game. Skyward Sword is an NES game with pretty new graphics and a Wii-mote. TES is a hyper-complex PC sandbox series that has been moderately consolized over the years.

Edit: Coding the game is definitely part of development, but all the lore that had to be sorted and faction stories, characters, books, quests and dialogue that had to be co-mingled in this monstrous sandbox was also more "complex" to plan.
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Kat Stewart
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 2:20 pm

judging by gameplay footage i see a few things going for Zelda

hair and cloth physics


green tights

penguin (i think)
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Alexx Peace
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 9:25 pm

I'm not talking about graphics. I'm talking about game-world design, AI scripting, event scripting and everything else that has to be considered in development in a free-form completely open-world game. Skyward Sword is an NES game with pretty new graphics and a Wii-mote. TES is a hyper-complex PC sandbox series that has been moderately consolized over the years.

What we are saying is this:

While the game itself is obviously harder to program (no one is disputing that), it seems like it was much simple to develop. The storyline was barely thought through (civil wars are copy/pasted), the combat system is barebone, there is extremely minimal player input in the game's interraction, etc. You have a lot choice of where to go, but everything that happens once there will always happen the same way.

Again, this points out to quite a time consuming job, but not one that is especially complexe.
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Hayley O'Gara
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 10:09 pm

Why you should not care

1. The die hards that literally dress like link, think about how many times they made a new account to vote over and over and over and over
2. Its on g4
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Taylah Illies
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 7:27 pm

Zelda always has a solid storyline with most of their Legend of Zelda games, even ones like Twilight Princess which arent gloriously loved get good reviews. However, theres never much re-invention in Zelda, as its the same re-hashed combat system and mechanics over and over. Put this up against Skyrim, which has everything gameplay wise over it but without the game stability and all the TES fans vote Zelda because they think theyve been wronged somehow, even after get 8-9x the number of play hours over most PC games.

Its a real shame.

Have you even PLAYED SS? Do you honestly think Skyrim doesn't have rehashed mechanics from other TES games? If anything, Skyrim is dumbed DOWN compared to its predecessors, not even mentioning it's slew of bugs and freezes.

It's a real shame :cryvaultboy:
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 8:01 pm

Lots of fans and such
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m Gardner
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 6:45 pm

Our own fans turned against us...

Those who didn't like Skyrim because it's buggy, laggy, etc. Voted Zelda. Many of them, if you look in the comments there.
Zelda is a great game, don't get me wrong, but I don't think it'd defeat a almost flawless Skyrim.
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Andy durkan
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 12:38 pm

Just guessing based on previous games, but because it was finished before it was released?

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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 8:33 pm

What we are saying is this:

While the game itself is obviously harder to program (no one is disputing that), it seems like it was much simple to develop. The storyline was barely thought through (civil wars are copy/pasted), the combat system is barebone, there is extremely minimal player input in the game's interraction, etc. You have a lot choice of where to go, but everything that happens once there will always happen the same way.

Again, this points out to quite a time consuming job, but not one that is especially complexe..

The main story and civil war are a small fraction of what went into this game. There's tons of lore, factions, characters, VA's, 100's of quests, ad hoc events, scripted events and short stories that are all co-mingled in this massive sandbox. Hundreds of hours of "event" are crammed into this sandbox in a way that makes sense, and even the combat is more thoroughly developed than SS.

Like I said, not in the same universe in complexity to develop, and coding IS a part of development.
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Queen of Spades
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 10:05 pm

I'm not talking about graphics. I'm talking about game-world design, AI scripting, event scripting and everything else that has to be considered in development in a free-form completely open-world game. Skyward Sword is an NES game with pretty new graphics and a Wii-mote. TES is a hyper-complex PC sandbox series that has been moderately consolized over the years.

I wouldnt call skyrim hyper complex, its just...big, the lack of character customization is killing me, you dont even have to watch any specific stat to make sure you got enough etc.I love the game but its not going to have any replay value for me once the story is all finished.

The changes through leveling your character dont make a big impact to the way you play and are nearly all generic boosts and thats what kills it everything just feels shallow, if they put in the sort of customization you got in neverwinter nights i would play it for years,
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Joey Avelar
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 1:24 pm

Have you even PLAYED SS? Do you honestly think Skyrim doesn't have rehashed mechanics from other TES games? If anything, Skyrim is dumbed DOWN compared to its predecessors, not even mentioning it's slew of bugs and freezes.

It's a real shame :cryvaultboy:

Even then I still think that it's better (All Opinions of course)

Morrowind > Oblivion > Skyrim

Zelda = Zelda = Zelda

Morrowind > Zelda
Oblivion > Zelda
Skyrim > Zelda
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Dominic Vaughan
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 3:37 pm

I'm sure Skyward Sword is a fantastic game. I don't have a wii, but Nintendo tends to do rather well with the franchise. Don't be such a really devoted fan. It's cool to disagree, but you don't need to be insulting over it.

I agree with you. Lets face it folks it's Zelda. Zelda has been around along time. Zelda never changes what the fans love, only adds to it. We wish that everyday here. How many times do you see Elder Scrolls players wishing they would get another Morrowind, and wish Oblivion wasn't watered down, and now Skyrim. Bethesda tinkers to much, where Nintendo has that "if it isn't broke don't fix it" mentality.

Zelda is tried and true. Gotta respect them for that. Skyrim is a fantastic game in it's own right, but just to much negative press. Seems to be the case for most devs these days. :sadvaultboy:

This is Bethesda though. They don't go down without a fight. Still way to early to count Skyrim out. Skyrim has DLC and Mods to look forward to. Let the game simmer abit.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 9:36 pm

I wouldnt call skyrim hyper complex, its just...big, the lack of character customization is killing me, you dont even have to watch any specific stat to make sure you got enough etc.I love the game but its not going to have any replay value for me once the story is all finished.

The changes through leveling your character dont make a big impact to the way you play and are nearly all generic boosts and thats what kills it everything just feels shallow, if they put in the sort of customization you got in neverwinter nights i would play it for years,

Again, complex to play and complex to develop are different things. Sandbox games are coding nightmares, and co-mingling the sheer amount of content in this game into a coherent sandbox takes a lot of thought.
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yessenia hermosillo
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 1:02 pm

I'm a huge TES fan, have been since Dagerfall, but I'm also a big Zelda fan. Haven't played many of the recent ones as I don't have a WII, but one of my all time favorite games, is A Link to the Past on SNES. This new one I'd love to play, but no WII means no play. And from the reviews I've watched, this one has a lot to offer. I didn't vote, but ultimately, I don't care about awards. It doesn't stop me from playing the games I love. Busy playing Skyrim like the world may end tomorrow. :P
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 12:29 am

It's probably been said, but the answer is quite simple.

Everyone finished Skyward Sword already and had time to vote, all the Skyrim fans are still playing. Thus they didn't care or have the time to vote in a silly poll. :hehe:
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Izzy Coleman
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 6:56 pm

Skyrim is new, Yes -- it was just released, 11/11/11.

innovative, No. Not only does it not bring anything new to the table, it removes elements which were unique to the franchise. Just another Action Game with RPG elements now.

has a whole new engine No. Same engine, tweaked and renamed. Same bugs, limitations and quirks as the last four or so games built on it.

with more gameplay, exploration, and customizable features No. More features removed, pigeonhole perk system, vastly simplified character development. 90% of dungeons are short, one way corridors. Wilderness is largely empty, towns and cities are for the most part the size of a strip mall. Few enemy types, lots of renamed (not even palette swapped) variations. Quests are mostly forgettable, but on the other hand don't take too long to finish. So. Many. Bugs.

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sarah taylor
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 3:12 pm

I thought it was obvious....

Zelda = 100% smooth awesomeness
Skyrim = 30% crazy bugs / 30% functional awesomeness / 40% cursing at the UI
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 6:47 pm

Might have to do with the fact that Zelda is a console game made for consoles and Skyrim is a PC game made on consoles.

That said, neither of them are GOTY material when you think about it.
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