Nostalgia, more mature people playing Skyrim, etc.
I'm sure a lot of people, including myself, didn't vote, even though they think Skyrim is better. For a number of reasons: A) We didn't want to make an account, B) We haven't played SS, C) We know the poll doesn't mean jack [censored].
Nostalgia has a MASSIVE effect on most LoZ games. A LoZ game could svck like a bucket of ticks, and bring in millions because OoT was considered one of the greatest games ever. It's been like that for years, and it always will be like that.
Edit: Also, since LoZ is targeted at a younger audience, it will receive more votes from said audience. Much more, considering they're more likely to make multiple accounts to have multiple votes.
You keep bringing up "Nostalgia" in all these threads about Zelda vs Skyrim. Do you not realize that The Elder Scrolls have been around for almost the same amount of time as Zelda, and you could just as easily say people voted for THE ELDER SCROLLS: Skyrim based on nostalgia.
Do you know what nostalgia means?