I don′t know how many thousands of Septims/Caps my brother has burned on new smartphones. I think he actually has a new Samsung and a new Apple phone. And tablet. And this is something that has been going on for years!
He′s nuts!
I don′t know how many thousands of Septims/Caps my brother has burned on new smartphones. I think he actually has a new Samsung and a new Apple phone. And tablet. And this is something that has been going on for years!
He′s nuts!
Glory be to faded images and static kisses across chemical processes forming experiences never to be forgotten.
As for how digital am i? Totally since 1989 when i got my first Commodore Amiga 500 computer. I have never been without a computer and it is at my side daily from the Intel 486 DX/66 and Pentium to the i5 i own currently. Using a computer has been like second nature to me with my tech genius brother inlaw always there to help me through the tough spots such as building me a new computer whenever the upgrade cycle came around. I shudder to think how different things might have been for someone like me who has schizophrenia and trouble with socialising with others face to face if not for the miracle that is computing and the wonderful people on the internet who funny enough made it easier for me to connect to real people in my own environment.
Hmm, I've seen similar posts like this on this thread, and I have to say, I must have interpreted the OP wrong, I felt they were asking how "digital" we were as in how many electronic products we owned that kept us connected + social media as well as how many products we used that involved digital stuff(like ipods and what have you).
If we include computers/time spent on computers into the equation, then I'm just as digital as anyone else here, I've owned a computer since I was 10-11(whenever Arena came out really, I had gotten a computer not too terribly long before that, it was my first real PC game), and for the vast majority of my life a lot of my free time has been spent on one. The only times that wasn't true was from 18-20 where I spent a lot of time out and about with friends at parties n such/got into bad things, and somewhat nowadays as due to my back injury I can't spend more then an hour or two on my computer at a time before I have to take a break and lay down for a while. If I had a laptop though.....I fear I'd never be removed from it!
That was my intent, yes. Also, how "comfy" we are with software that digitally does what we used to do
Digital is okay in some cases, could you imagine a mechanical version of Pong!
Pong is an electronic version of table tennis...
I meant a mechanical version of Pong! All pulley's and levers perhaps steam-powered.
If you visit Gizmodo they have a video of a mechanical version of Pong!!
I am so undigital that I do not know how to do a link.
The full video is on YouTube under Pong Project.
It still has electrical bits though..
I can type relatively well, I'd say. Nowhere near 30 wpm 10-key sort of way, but fast enough. So I do well with stories, replies and such.
I am not doing too well with drawing. I am losing my Microsoft Paint skills and having not used Photoshop much lately, losing what I did learn to do in Photoshop... so don't ask me to make you a Photoshop avatar
. (Although I did made some avatars in the past, including slightly animated.)
I dabbles in 3D modeling and even a slight mod experience with Elder Scrolls mods. But I can't prove any of this, as I'd have hard time making anything in Blender today and Planet Elder Scrolls isn't what it used to be .
In general, I am friendly enough with computers to get by in this digital age. Social networks, email, forums, online orders, basic photo editing with some photo programs, etc... but never really learned anything in a deep way. I can google stuff, but my google-fu is lacking .