I cant figure out how to divorce or kill her, she just goes down and acts likes she ready to take it anoly... but i'm sick of her! i want to remarry but cannot figure out how to get rid of her! i've tried shouting her off of winterhold's gate, killing her as a werewolf and nothing works and repeatedly beating her, and none of it works! if anybody knows on how to get rid of her please let me know!
No parting ways just ends her following your around as a companion. She just goes home and continues being you're wife. The only way to end a marriage is to kill your spouse and you married an immortal npc. So you're stuck. Hopefully you're on pc, if you are there is a console command to make her able to die. If you're on console you sir are screwed
You can't divorce people without using the pc, search divorce in this forum and you will find out how. If your on xbox or ps3, you can't divorce her and you can't kill her. Does it really matter? Just leave her at home.