How does Cogsworth survive for 200 years?

Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 3:35 pm

yeah they realy tryed too hit that nail over and over this time didn't they? Everyone knows the 200 years thing now .

think i heard bit about skyrim time jump of 200 years 2 or 3 times leading up too the release and total forgot till NPC talks about it

not gonna be the case this time thou its seared into my brain like this

and yes i just dated my self.

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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 3:15 pm

Robot... :whistling:

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Sarah Edmunds
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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 7:31 pm

Well, we saw in fallout 3, in that one house somewhere in D.C., (McClellan Family Townhome.. I just looked it up.) that Mr. Handy's have a little recharge cove where they seem to go and switch off/power down while they aren't needed for anything. You have the options of powering it up and setting it upon it's daily tasks. So there's at least one example of an robot that's been untouched by raiders and such.

We really don't have any background on what raiders really are. Are they just scavengers or is there more motivation to their behavior.. you don't seem to see any with robots, they obviously don't feel any desire to join in with large thriving communities and most seem to set up little way stations and simply wait for passerby's to take their gear. .. unless they are slavers, then they only seemed concerned with capturing and selling people.. although we never met anyone who bought and used slaves for anything until The Pitt was released. (but I still wasn't exactly sure what we as slaves were supposed to be accomplishing.)

We've also seen that hardly anybody in the wasteland really seems all too concerned with exploration and running around the wastes but your main character. You can go into buildings in seemingly occupied territories and find treasure troves of supplies.... while everyone outside that building is claiming that they have nothing and need help.

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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 8:35 pm

  1. The bombs fell in 2077 so while the place looks like the 50's it is still the future and they pretty much have locked down nuclear battery usage.
  2. As someone has said... recharging points. They probably have backup nuke power sources for every home too like we have gas generators.
  3. The only thing that confuses me is the lifting jet fuel (the jet underneath the Mr Oops-I-Burned-The-Carpet-Again-Handy).

My only complaint about the place is the 200 year old food. 200 year old Potato Crisps would probably be Potato Floppies hehe. Perhaps being in the future they invented an advanced nuclear food preservation system is all I can come up with and hope the NMA evangelists don't attack me!

The thing about the future is that things change sooooooooo darned fast. If some teacher back in the 70's told me I would be walking around with a computer in my pocket that can hold my entire music collection, take photos, show me where I am on a digital map, etc, etc... AND can make calls on without plugging in wires... well, I would have laughed my head off (but I would have thought that it sounded cooooool). The future in the game is based around no computer chips but does not limit any other progress. Hence the moon missions etc...

Some of the stuff coming out now is so far out there that we are living far beyond science fiction from the 50's... so a 200 year old 2077 robot still running doesn't sound so hard to imagine.

Edit: Forgot that computer in the pocket is actually a phone too... See, Wood, Trees... etc.

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Post » Sun Nov 29, 2015 3:04 am

It's just like how, for some reason, people survived in DC for 200 years with nothing but a river that never dries up, and you still had to give water to them.

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Post » Sun Nov 29, 2015 12:08 am

He could be using a nuclear rocket, which doesn't need reactive fuel for propellant.
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Kate Murrell
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Post » Sun Nov 29, 2015 3:32 am

If you are protected by a beast and have crockery and cutlery as allies, you too may last 200 years...

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Veronica Martinez
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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 2:34 pm

Nuclear rockets need propellant propellant still... HE3 preferably or it ends up irradiating everything around. But this is sci-fi so it's probably extracting it from the water supply using some newfangled system.

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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 6:19 pm

That water was irradiated which they mentioned they had been drinking which was why they were sick.

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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 2:24 pm

Well put yourself in the shoes of a raider:

You've little food, water, and ammo. You're starved, crazed, and are probably acting only on baser instincts. Attacking a well-established settlement with tradable goods would be logical to you. Attacking a pre-War ghost town of a neighborhood (which you probably aren't even aware of it's existence) would not be logical. Anything of valuable would've been carried off over the years. Oh sure, there's that nice-looking shiny robot that could fetch a decent few caps.

But you'd have to fight that robot. Who is armed with what looks like a circular saw and a blowtorch. And you have a crappy weapon with little ammo left for it. In-game, yes, it's like they have an infinite supply, but in-universe? Not that many. And you'd have to fight this thing.

And even if you did succeed in destroying this robot, how would you cart it off? Where would you sell it to? It's not like you, the big bad Raider can just waltz up to Concord with this shiny robot and not expect to get shot at hundreds of times for your troubles.

In other words, it's not worth it.
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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 3:44 pm

Same reason that the game is full of ammo not-yet-looted from crates, 200-year-old food sitting on unguarded tables in houses, every Nuka Cola machine still has sodas in it (even if a scavenger camp is nearby), and all the cars haven't been exploded by nearby combat yet - the game world is designed to be interesting for the player. If 200 years worth of raiding & scavenging had already cleared out all the loot, the game would be kind of boring. :shrug:

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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 5:32 pm

I remember my first time fighting a gutsy robot in fallout 33 it was near megaton and it was guarding a military truck(the truck looked pretty old school looking might have been there for a while say 200I years?) I tryied making a rush for the truck to get better cover but that robots plasma caster was on point and it quickly dispatched me with ease. Also this isnt any ordinary handy robot its the main protagonist robot to protect our home and family he's probably the badest of the badass robots! also on how he floats...cold fusion?
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Post » Sun Nov 29, 2015 12:04 am

Personally, I don't think Codsworth ever fought raiders at all. He's a butler and household servant, not a military machine. Sure, he has defences, but I'll bet he's only got the programming to use those in defence of his owner and family, not property.

I think he just made himself scarce whenever raiders came by, and then scavenged nearby to re-stock after. If he kept the goods he scavenged hidden, after a couple of sweeps raiders would have assumed the whole area was robbed out and not bothered coming by any more.

See, it's easy to explain away plot holes if you really want to - just overlook any evidence that contradicts your preferred scenario ;)

I think a lot of life works that way :(

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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 11:19 pm

Maybe he hid in the closet
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Post » Sun Nov 29, 2015 4:42 am

In a nuclear rocket, the fission/fusion fuel isn't the propellant. The actual propellant is an inert gas heated by the nuclear reaction.
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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 5:03 pm

Exactly... the ideal inert gas is the HE3 like I said (but for some reason I put propellant twice... guess I had a senior moment lol). The big problem is for the size of the Mr Handy there just isn't any place to store enough of the fuel, even compressed... Which is one reason why it would have been better to go the way of the Eyebots and use an anti-grav system... but that would have peed off the NMA purists as the Mr Handy from the original games had the jet under the body.

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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 5:43 pm

Perhaps they use air as a propellant.
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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 9:18 pm

No air intakes... plus even if there were, the amount of thrust needed to lift something the size of the Mr Handy would mean... well... you would never find your Sugar Bombs in the morning... except maybe on the ceiling.... through the window... embedded in you chest...

Yeah, if you have ever stood under jet engine you would know what I mean. They don't call it thrust for nothing... My squad was nearly under a landing Harrier the one time and we kind of swore a lot... heh.

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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 5:19 pm

I gotta disagree greatly here... You really need to go exploring in Bethesda's games some more. There's a lot of hidden stories you can dig up from adventuring.

But anyways... Most likely, Cogsworth either A: was able to defend himself and wasn't really attacked as much in the first place or B: Had a hiding spot. At least when it comes to being attacked by raiders and such. About his battery? That thing can last for a long time and I wouldn't be surprised if he repair himself and possibly find more batteries on his own just fine...

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Post » Sun Nov 29, 2015 5:14 am

Until you play the game and fall over the rug :tongue:

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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 6:27 pm

Through wit, charm, and resourcefullness

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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 6:34 pm

In one of the great unexplained incongruities of Fallout lore many things are powered by super nuclear batteries that last for centuries, how this gels with the global energy crisis regarding the depletion of the worlds oil supplies which caused the war however I don't know.

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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 10:13 pm

I'm not talking about hidden stories, I like those and they're something Beth does well, what I'm referring to is little things like when you think about how the people of the megaton have managed to survive so long when there's like 3 brahmin and no farms or why fawkes and charon won't go into the highly irradiated purifier despite being practically immune to radiation.

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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 7:06 pm

Yeah it doesn't make a lot of sense. I think the lore's main explanation for it is that the fancy nuclear technology didn't have time to spread out across the globe in time to alleviate the world's demand for oil, so it was only common in the civilian market in the US

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Chris Ellis
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Post » Sun Nov 29, 2015 3:51 am

1. Who says he has had to fight off anything in those 200 years? Nothing suggests anything has directly raided your house in that time.
2. All robots are powered by nuclear batteries, which, as shown in every Fallout game, are stil viable even 100-200+ years after the war.
3. Raiders attack your settlements because people are actually living there, and thus there are people to raid.... no one was living there before you founded the settlement, so there was no one to raid, and no reason for raiders to go there.

The lore is that the resource wars were started over oil, but by the time the great war happened, oil wasn't the main concern anymore, it was simply winning. Oil was the initial catalyst, but it wasn't what mattered the whole time the war was going on. reasons shifted over time, just like they do in wars IRL.

Where do you think all those randomly encountered hunters come from? The various towns across the wastes.

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