Trade? Manya Vargas explains how megaton got started and at least they fixed that in broken steel.
Trade? Manya Vargas explains how megaton got started and at least they fixed that in broken steel.
Who mentioned that? Because if someone is still there to tell the tale then it's not that bad to drink to begin with.
Also, isn't there a Mr.Handy in your megaton home that gives you pure water?
Kind of like exploring the Mojave Wasteland I presume.
1. I can't imagine a plot of obviously livable land being unexplored and unchallenged for 200 years after a nuclear fallout.
2. I somewhat acknowledged this in my first post.
3. The same reason why the fiends went and set up shop in Vault 3 in New Vegas. No one was living there either.
Just try entering the river (or any water around DC come to come think of it)... and your rad counter will go nuts... and not everyone has their own Mr Handy after all and even yours only gives you a small amount before telling you he needs to recharge his condensers. Hence the reason for Project Purity and the reason there are bottles of Dirty Water all over the place.
It's pointless to discuss this right now. Nobody actually knows the answer at this moment and it's such a trivial detail to put this much focus on. I would be more concerned on why this tiny detail is even being discussed in this much detail.
1. Then explain why the majoity of most major metropolitian areas in Fallout 1, 2, 3, and NV show just that?
3. Uhhh...... play Nv again. The Fiends killed everyone in Vault 3 and took it from them, it wasnt empty when they first got there.
shouldn't he be more of a Tech Priest or Enginseer?
Its the same reason that there's a high-tech research facility that has 204 year old robots that can be taken down by a single man with a cowboy repeater but were able to kill a team of power armoured scouts without taking a scratch. Its also the same reason that this facility has doors that have a giant hole in them that a person could climb through but require a master lockpick to get through. And its also why with a major apocalyptic war going on the two sides have made no attempt to take this tall building which would make a great snipers nest to reach out across southern Vegas.
Sometimes things need to exist to make the story work instead of being 100% logical. Repconn Headquarters exists to give the player a good dungeon crawl and tie into a few quests despite it being a bit of a plot hole. Codsworth has survived all these years to give the player character a emotional hook from the pre-war world into the wasteland.
This sounds like a great spinoff game. You play as Cogsworth and have to survive for 200 yrs.
I already asked this question in a codsworth thread. Don't make sense to me, either.
And for the above post, most robots in previous FO games, namely 1 and 2, are hidden away in old military installations or research facilities. Like, West Tek, Sierra Army Depot, etc. As the op said, Codsworth is just chilling about presumably in the same place for 200 years, and it isn't like a military installation where defense systems are going to defend against raiders and the like.
i have a feeling that you come across Cosworth as he is 'gardening'. I think most of the time he is probably powered down inside and his metal exterior certainly shows signs of decay. I think he probably still does his daily routines and has self maintenance systems.
Congrats on a great and imaginative discussion everybody, I hope modders and developers are following this.
I've questioned myself why not put ducted fans or eye-bot flight tech on a Handy, great to be able to salvage such so maybe you could attach extra arms below where the thruster is now.
Is it appropriate to ask here for your opinion of modifications for a Handy you would like to be able to make through DLC or mods if you can not make them in the coming game?
Regarding Codsworth's post war story, I would suggest he was captured at least once, and escaped because he was under estimated (because of his hokey butler routine), he was vigilant a24/7 and people get sloppy over time.
I have read that Handy's repair themselves and each other and help refuel each other. They would probably upgrade each other and share info. They were designed to do an array pf home repairs, be handyman, house keeper, nursemaid, butler, tend pets when the family is away at work, school, etc., this would probably take an Artificial Intelligence that learns.
Networking AIs could learn a lot, and not forget.
They could probably hack terminals and data bases with ease, loot data and milk people for information with seasoned efficiency.
Though I would like to use them as pack bots capable of helping me loot, salvage, carry, protect or hide my property while I and any other companions go ahead to clear out dangers and find stuff to salvage or loot.
Such bots would probably be much better than magic pockets in which you can carry rifles, armor and power armor etc.up to your weight limit.
They would be a caravan or mobile field base to return to for resupply, repairs, healing, to change out gear and tools.
We could always go the conspiracy angle and find out that the Institute actually captured Codsworth at one stage and 'fixed' him and insured that no raider would ever mess with him. He may not even know he was tinkered with, and the Institute is behind the Player waking up. They know they will return home at some point and are using Codsworth to spy on the playe character.
Wow... I know that Fallout disciples are big fans of Todd Howard... but renaming him to "Jesus Howard" is going a bit far...
TH-> - WTF?
We don't mention the NMA crowd here... Send them back to Isometric land where their Fallout games are bet... are bett... are bette.... ARE BLOODY HORRIBLE! beepbeep... LIES DETECTED!
This kinda thing lays bare the issue with the game being set two hundred years after the bombs fell...but you just have to roll with it.