People on here just expect that if enough people agree on something, it will be in the game. However in the end, it's Bethesda's game, and everyone on here will play it and probably love it and forget all about the things that aren't in it.
Actually, thats the case.
Many agreed that you couldn't find anything in Morrowind - Magic compass
Many agreed that Spears were exploits, buggy and made everything easy - No spears
Many complained that after a shortwhile one was godlike and no more challenges appeared in Morrowind - Level scaling
Many touted how there were so many useless skillls and how they didn't use half the weapons availible- all we are left with is Swords, Bows and maces in Oblivion.
Many said how exploitable enchanting multiple peices of armor was in morrowind - less armor. less pieces, and enchanting threshold.