How does one cure Restartitis?

Post » Mon Sep 15, 2014 6:03 pm

I've been plagued with this since 11/11/11

I played on Xbox 360 for over 1000 hours without ever beating the MQ

I built a gaming PC so I could mod and logged 825 hours of modded gaming 6 characters around level 35...

I just deleted my first Imperial after 15 hours and am thinking of re-rolling a character based of Vikings "Lagatha"...

I usually roll characters based off either Game of Thrones, though I think a character based off Lagatha may fit well with a Stormcloak supporting Nord dragonborn...

I really want to see this game through to at least the end of the MQ and hopefully DG and DB (which I have barely scraqed), but am worried in a week or two I will impulse delete...

Some of my issues is I hate changing difficulty mid-game, and for the majority of my attempted play-throughs I have started on Legendary then resorted to much on grinding enchanting or alchemy to become viable... I think playing on Expert or Master with the right combat AI mod might make the game a more balanced challenge throughout with needing to adjust difficulty mid-game.

Any suggestions on a combat AI mod that would fit any playstyle, whether it be sneak/archery, sword/board, or conjuring bound bow archer?

Any suggestions on how to stop my impulsive re-starting?

I love "Alternate Start" but I think I should probably get at least one play through using the vanilla start, which IMO means I should be a Nord/Stormcloak based on the way the vanilla game starts...

Thanks for listening to me whine, and for any helpful advice. I obviously love this game given the time I have devoted, and would love to be able to finish the MQ and see some of the DLC I paid for long ago but haven't made it to due to my "condition".

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Tania Bunic
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Post » Tue Sep 16, 2014 2:56 am

you dont. you ride it out until you feel like playing the game with that character.

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Bitter End
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Post » Mon Sep 15, 2014 12:58 pm

Maybe you just like making characters. Or maybe a character just gets "stale" after a while.

Creating new characters doesn't have to be a problem, and it doesn't mean you have to abandon old characters, either. I have a half-dozen characters going right now, all doing different things, and I alternate among them. When I get tired of playing one of them, I just switch to another who plays differently.

I just make my characters unique enough that I don't confuse them, and I have them doing different things. Breton Mage in the College, Bosmer Hunter doing Dawnguard, Nord Warrior killing dragons, Redguard Smith/Mercenary, etc. That sort of thing.

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Jonathan Windmon
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Post » Tue Sep 16, 2014 12:18 am

You do not cure this; it is eternal. :P

The only thing that worked for me was taking a break. Like, a 2 week break. Only problem was...I started to notice my breaks were getting longer and longer until I stopped playing altogether.

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Post » Tue Sep 16, 2014 12:14 am

I think you answered it already. Drop the difficulty down to something more manageable. Nothing to be ashamed of in doing this, I've never even played the game at anything over adept.

As for curing restartitis...Well, I don't think there is a cure for that, but you could try roleplaying a specific character with specific skills and ideas on what you want to accomplish, no need to try and accomplish everything in one playthrough. I once had a character who's single purpose was to become a master thief, so he joined the thieve's guild and did just that. He never once wore any armor whatsoever (unless required for quest advancement), never made any use of any crafting skills, or alchemy, or enchanting. He had a very limited knowledge of combat, but that made perfect sense since he was a thief, not a warrior. After about 30-40 hours play time, his story was told and he retired from thieving permanently.

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Charity Hughes
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Post » Mon Sep 15, 2014 7:41 pm

Yeah, you not only don't have to do everything with one character...You can have a character who doesn't do anything, that you just play when you feel like just being free in the world.

I have an Oblivion character that I've been playing for years, who has never gotten above level 7; I always start her from the same save I made years ago, play her for an hour or two, and then just quit the game without saving. I always know that Wild Elf is waiting, on the same hillside in Cyrodiil, ready to go off and do something totally unimportant. :)

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Post » Tue Sep 16, 2014 3:11 am, I should mention I also have a tough time having multiple character saves... something weird about me I know. I picture having 1 character (until I retire him/her vrs delete) in which case I could save 1 save file and start anew... hasn't happened yet.

Personablaze, I took a year off and played less involved games and thought coming back would be the solution... what I really want is to be brainwashed so I don't have all the prior knowledge and start a playthrough as if it was 11/11/11 and just go with it... alas I can't erase all my prior knowledge of the mechanics of the game which do get in my way of RP..., this is why I think I gravitate to GoT/Vikings characters... I svck at being creative and making my own PC... I like trying to recreate someone from pop-culture in Skyrim's universe... maybe Lagatha will be the one I go all the way with... though I have always gone with heavy armor for a one-handed/shield style... light armor seems "weird" to me for someone who bashes with a shield and does not rely on stealth... but this game has never been about conforming right?....

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Post » Tue Sep 16, 2014 3:52 am

Difficulty curve in Vanilla TES has always been an issue once you get past level 25 or so. Since you're playing a modded game, I would probably look at the some of the following mods to smooth it out and as well as make it more challenging...

ASIS (if you want more variety abilities in combat from vanilla enemies)

High level enemies (if you want more scaling throughout the game)

Revenge of the Enemies (if you want tougher and more unique bosses)

Dragon combat overhaul (if you want dragons to actually fight smarter and feel more epic)

Deadly dragons (if you just want crazy, hard dragons)

Duel combat realism (if you want smarter vanilla enemies)

Nightmare (if you want to take on small armies)

Also, if you're going to increase enemy scaling you might look at magic scaling. Destruction magic scaling, Apocalypse, and Midas can all make magic scale better as well as add depth to the game.

You also might consider one of the Perk revamp mods to give you more variety and more perks to buy (you'll also want level uncapper for those).

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Post » Mon Sep 15, 2014 7:03 pm

I don't think restartis needs to be "cured" for everybody. I'm happy making characters and starting new characters and then even more new characters and then even more new characters after that. Making new characters gives me pleasure. It's one of the things I enjoy doing the most in roleplaying games. Besides, I think the early levels of most games are the most interesting levels.

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Post » Tue Sep 16, 2014 4:04 am

I like playing young characters. It gets boring when you get overpowered.

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Cody Banks
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Post » Mon Sep 15, 2014 3:21 pm

Playing on Legendary and then grinding just to stay alive does not sound like fun to me. Why not lower the difficulty and then mind what you perk so as not to become overpowered? Or try DiD?

I haven't played Skyrim in two years but just started a new character last night. I am playing an Altmer destruction/restoration mage, and to increase the strength of the destruction spells and wards, I am playing on apprentice. But to keep things interesting I am only going to increase health to 150, and only very slowly, maybe increasing health once every 8 or 10 levels. Also playing DiD.

I am on Xbox, so on PC with mods there are a lot more options to control difficulty than on Xbox. Don't feel peer pressured into playing Legendary for bragging rights. It is a single player game, and the combat isn't that challenging to begin with. Roleplaying is a lot more fun than grinding, at least for me.
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Jessica White
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Post » Mon Sep 15, 2014 6:11 pm

thats when u up the dificulty, and try being an outlaw, my toon is a sadistic imperial vampire dark elf outlaw who obeys law in solitude and other imp holds but in others mainly riften i answer arrest atempts with swift crulity. Also try to always hide bodies makes for exitement and a chalenge spechialy if u hide um before any one can say (ow what happened) ;-)
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