I've been plagued with this since 11/11/11
I played on Xbox 360 for over 1000 hours without ever beating the MQ
I built a gaming PC so I could mod and logged 825 hours of modded gaming 6 characters around level 35...
I just deleted my first Imperial after 15 hours and am thinking of re-rolling a character based of Vikings "Lagatha"...
I usually roll characters based off either Game of Thrones, though I think a character based off Lagatha may fit well with a Stormcloak supporting Nord dragonborn...
I really want to see this game through to at least the end of the MQ and hopefully DG and DB (which I have barely scraqed), but am worried in a week or two I will impulse delete...
Some of my issues is I hate changing difficulty mid-game, and for the majority of my attempted play-throughs I have started on Legendary then resorted to much on grinding enchanting or alchemy to become viable... I think playing on Expert or Master with the right combat AI mod might make the game a more balanced challenge throughout with needing to adjust difficulty mid-game.
Any suggestions on a combat AI mod that would fit any playstyle, whether it be sneak/archery, sword/board, or conjuring bound bow archer?
Any suggestions on how to stop my impulsive re-starting?
I love "Alternate Start" but I think I should probably get at least one play through using the vanilla start, which IMO means I should be a Nord/Stormcloak based on the way the vanilla game starts...
Thanks for listening to me whine, and for any helpful advice. I obviously love this game given the time I have devoted, and would love to be able to finish the MQ and see some of the DLC I paid for long ago but haven't made it to due to my "condition".