I can understand it during the night, when the desert is actually frigid cold, but during the hot day on a sunny clear sky?? Can anyone explain how this works?(preferably from anyone who actually lives in a comparable climate)
It's got AC in it....or is that the enclave armor?...Can't remember, so sleepy.
This...is a pretty good question, if real world logic applies (which it never does in Fallout) deserts are very hot and dry during the day, and freezing at night. Unless I'm mistaken...which I probably am.
....Gosh darn it, you Dragonpriest, now this is going to bother me.
The thing about deserts is not so much that they're hot, it's that they're dry. In fact, that's pretty much the main defining factor of the desert climate. Because of how dry it is, cloud cover is rare as gold. Keeping oneself covered up, the way Middle Eastern folk do, is the best way to beat the heat-it keeps the sun off, which is the biggest factor in keeping cool. Sure, there's ambient heat in the sunny hours, but it's the sun what provides that heat. And of course there's such things as sunstroke and sunburn, delightful little things.
Granted, having water on hand is a must. But then, that's a given anyway. Maybe that's what that thing on the back of all the desert armor/riot gear is?