How Does Skyrim Run on PS3 Now?

Post » Sun Mar 09, 2014 5:37 am

Hey everyone, just a quick question for you all.

I had Skyrim on my 360 but it died and I switched to ps3 a while back. Now I have the urge to play Skyrim again but I remember the problems it had at on PS3 with saves getting to big and framerate problems or whatever. My question is how does Skyrim play today on PS3? I have a 500gb super slim if that makes any difference.

Also, is there any difference in performance between vanilla Skyrim and the Legendary edition?


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Joanne Crump
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Post » Sun Mar 09, 2014 6:26 am

My experience. After all the patches and taking all the safety measures widely recommended in this forum I can tell you that YES, there are still problems like stuttering and the worst of all: freezes.

The game runs better than originally did without the patches. Everything goes more or less fine until your save file reaches 10 mb. That is around level 45/50 depending how you play. The funny thing is that this doesn't always happens. Sometimes the game behaves pretty good after that level. I don't know why.

I always play the janitor of course and some recommend not overwriting saves.

If you search the ps3 forum for "freeze" you'll find more useful information.

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Andrea Pratt
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Post » Sun Mar 09, 2014 9:36 am

This is a post I made a while back. A nice little guide to make the PS3 experience smoother than usual.

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Phoenix Draven
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Post » Sun Mar 09, 2014 9:18 am

When I had the 360 version it ran pretty sweet. Now I have a PS3 super slim also and the legendary edition of Skyrim, all I can say is it`s shocking.

Frequent lag/pauses and the amount of bugs in the legendary edition is horrendous. Starting a new game makes no difference - it`s a glitch/bug fest.

Legendary edition needs fixed.

"Always clean up after every skirmish. Skyrim on the PS3 handles the bloat pretty badly since it doesn't clean up weapons and shields, and I think cleaning up after yourself will help you in the long run. After every battle, loot the bodies for weapons and shields (double check on dual wielding Forsworn). I just press "Loot All" since it's much faster. When you have as much as you can carry, store it all into one body. I also do this inside dungeons as a habit"

That`s just ridiculous having to do that kind of carry on. Unless you RP a garbage collector :blink:

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Post » Sun Mar 09, 2014 4:00 am

I have a few level 60+ characters on the PS3 with hundreds of hours each, I don't run in to any lag or freezes and haven't encountered particularly many glitches or bugs, nothing game breaking for sure, just the occasional graphical glitch. So I'd say it runs fine, but that's just from my experience.

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