Hello I recently purchased NV again after realising how much I loved it, I also got the dlc(dead money, honest hearts), I kno its kind of a pointlless asking since I already got it but im curious, how good is it (quests, weapons, exploring, ect.) compared to fallout 3s dlc?
Dead Money is the best DLC I've ever played.
Just use your brain, set a goal of not dying ever, don't run around all willy-nilly like an idiot, use your ears and logical deduction to figure out where the radios are, and it'll be the most fun DLC you've ever played too.
Honest Hearts is meh. All the Fallout 3 DLCs were meh in my opinion too. The Pitt felt more like a scavenger hunt, I was never dying to play Point Lookout's main quest or to explore it, Broken Steel could've just continued the game and raised the level cap and then just walked away and people wouldn't've cared, Operation Anchorage was ok, I found Mothership Zeta interesting too. I guess I want my DLCs to be linear. Yeah Broken Steel was linear, but the storyline svcked. The thing is, I only explore random locations when I've already done everything else worth doing. Exploring random locations is a last resort for fun. The only time exploring was fun for me was in Fallout 3 itself because those locations had character and loot; exploring in Point Lookout and The Pitt was boring, and it's sorta the same with Honest Hearts. The Pitt and Point Lookout also had "meh" storylines too, thanks to relying partly on exploration, and that's the same with Honest Hearts. Exporing in Honest Hearts awards loot and a pretty decent story, but Honest Hearts is prone to spawning giant bears directly behind you every 20 seconds, which gets old fast.
Having said that, I'd STILL rate Honest Hearts above all the Fallout 3 DLCs. I'm guessing it's simply because it ties in well. The Fallout 3 DLCs all tied in horribly. "Oh look, enemies you can probably kill right now but you choose not to and to pretend to be a slave!" "Oh look, a magical simulation that brings you to Alaska!" "Oh look, a spaceship that we can somehow control well enough to drop you off right back where you got abducted!" "Oh look, a distant land that you're paying good money to go to FOR NO APPARENT REASON!" New Vegas actually makes the DLC tie-ins believable. Abduction in Dead Money is a cliché, but to make up for it, a character in the DLC will tell you EXACTLY how your abduction went down. Honest Hearts, you're a flippin' Courier, so it's not unbelievable that your character would take up a caravan job, compared to the Lone Wanderer being like "I need to find my dad, but first I'm going to go on an expensive boat ride to a far away, strange land with this shady looking man FOR NO APPARENT REASON!
