How does it stack up to f3 dlc?

Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 11:21 am

Hello I recently purchased NV again after realising how much I loved it, I also got the dlc(dead money, honest hearts), I kno its kind of a pointlless asking since I already got it but im curious, how good is it (quests, weapons, exploring, ect.) compared to fallout 3s dlc?
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George PUluse
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 7:27 pm

Hmm, well they've got different flavors to them. Every F3 DLC had it's own little style going on, and that's carried over to NV. It would be unfair to compare Honest Hearts to say... Broken Steel, but that's mainly because we don't have Lonesome Road for that. We'll see once they're all out. We've been buying them thus far, so they're clearly not too bad.
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Isaac Saetern
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 4:29 pm

Hello I recently purchased NV again after realising how much I loved it, I also got the dlc(dead money, honest hearts), I kno its kind of a pointlless asking since I already got it but im curious, how good is it (quests, weapons, exploring, ect.) compared to fallout 3s dlc?

I think they compare very favorably - Dead Money ranks right up with Point Lookout as my favorite DLC. Honest Hearts was very good, too.
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Brooke Turner
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 12:47 am

I'd rank Dead Money 2nd out of the 7th DLCs and Honest Hearts as 5th of the 7. So, quite well. To be honest, I like all DLCs about the same except for OA and MZ.
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NAtIVe GOddess
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 5:37 pm

A lot of work goes into all of them and I love that they keep making patches to improve the game.

However so far I Nothing has beaten Point Lookout, Mothership Zeta and Broken Steal. But then OWB and LR haven't been released yet.

I never want to see the sierra madre again, I'd like to go back to the canyon but don't want to play the quest again.
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Darrell Fawcett
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 9:01 pm

dead money was one of the best for me.....honest hearts wasnt my giving dead money a thumbs up because i really liked its story
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Mr. Ray
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 10:50 pm

I just can't believe the praise I'm reading for Dead Money. Linear, frustrating to the point of self-harm, basic go-and-fetch missions from start to finish, no freedom or incentive to explore .... and those ********ing collars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :brokencomputer: :brokencomputer:

Honest Hearts was a bit better, with nice visuals and a good story ... however, with practically ZERO side quests are no real choices except at the end, it soon turns out to be paper-thin and offers little more than a basic few hours of gameplay before it's exhausted. Oh, and, question: What's the ****ing point of allowing players to go back to a region when there's absolutely nothing left to do or see after the story ends and every character of consequence just vanishes????
Plus ..... the lack of a trader apart from Joshua in the DLC is just laughable.

Sorry, not a fan of Vegas DLC so far at all. Huge let down, no value for money.

For me, F3 DLC towers over Vegas DLC, so far, in almost every way.

Take Point Lookout .... big map, like Honest Hearts. Unlike HH however, Point Lookout is FILLED with side quests and Easter egss and things to find and varied and interesting characters. HH is filled with ... rocks, rocks, Datura plant, rocks, rocks, rocks .... give us some side quests, PLEASE!

The Pitt ..... that's how you do a brooding, atmospheric, polluted urban Fallout DLC ...... Dead Money should've taken a leaf out of its book.

Broken Steel ..... solid, level cap raise ... Personally, I'd love to play beyond the end of Hoover Dam Battle, to see in real terms the effects of my choices .... but it's not a game-breaker for me.

The less said about Mothership Zeta the better. Rivals Dead Money for being utterly awful.

Overall, F3 has kicked NV's ass in the DLC stakes. I'm hoping OWB has a really good go at evening the score. One can hope .... but I'm not betting on it. :fallout:
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Latisha Fry
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 3:42 pm

I just can't believe the praise I'm reading for Dead Money. Linear, frustrating to the point of self-harm, basic go-and-fetch missions from start to finish, no freedom or incentive to explore .... and those ********ing collars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :brokencomputer: :brokencomputer:

Honest Hearts was a bit better, with nice visuals and a good story ... however, with practically ZERO side quests are no real choices except at the end, it soon turns out to be paper-thin and offers little more than a basic few hours of gameplay before it's exhausted. Oh, and, question: What's the ****ing point of allowing players to go back to a region when there's absolutely nothing left to do or see after the story ends and every character of consequence just vanishes????
Plus ..... the lack of a trader apart from Joshua in the DLC is just laughable.

Sorry, not a fan of Vegas DLC so far at all. Huge let down, no value for money.

For me, F3 DLC towers over Vegas DLC, so far, in almost every way.

Take Point Lookout .... big map, like Honest Hearts. Unlike HH however, Point Lookout is FILLED with side quests and Easter egss and things to find and varied and interesting characters. HH is filled with ... rocks, rocks, Datura plant, rocks, rocks, rocks .... give us some side quests, PLEASE!

The Pitt ..... that's how you do a brooding, atmospheric, polluted urban Fallout DLC ...... Dead Money should've taken a leaf out of its book.

Broken Steel ..... solid, level cap raise ... Personally, I'd love to play beyond the end of Hoover Dam Battle, to see in real terms the effects of my choices .... but it's not a game-breaker for me.

The less said about Mothership Zeta the better. Rivals Dead Money for being utterly awful.

Overall, F3 has kicked NV's ass in the DLC stakes. I'm hoping OWB has a really good go at evening the score. One can hope .... but I'm not betting on it. :fallout:

i just played operation anchorage again last week......cant get much more linear
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Emma Louise Adams
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 6:39 pm

Fallout NV DLC equals better for your soul.

Problem Lone Wanderer? :D
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Donatus Uwasomba
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 7:08 pm

i just played operation anchorage again last week......cant get much more linear

I knew I'd forgotten something. Operation Anchorage was very linear too, which is why only Dead Money and Mothership Zeta rank below it for me. OA is the 3rd worst overall.

However, OA had a redeeming feature in that it delved into historical events in the Fallout canon .... a nice way of bringing a little of the backstory of Fallout to life ..... fantastic rewards at the end of the DLC too.

F3 DLC still a million times better.

Unless people like paying the same price for Vegas DLC when it contains about half the content, or less, of the F3 DLCs?
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 1:42 am

I knew I'd forgotten something. Operation Anchorage was very linear too, which is why only Dead Money and Mothership Zeta rank below it for me. OA is the 3rd worst overall.

However, OA had a redeeming feature in that it delved into historical events in the Fallout canon .... a nice way of bringing a little of the backstory of Fallout to life ..... fantastic rewards at the end of the DLC too.

F3 DLC still a million times better.

Unless people like paying the same price for Vegas DLC when it contains about half the content, or less, of the F3 DLCs?

granted dead money has issues......i really liked its story though...........oh ...and ....fallout 3 rules......... :celebration:
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Robert Jackson
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 1:50 am

granted dead money has issues......i really liked its story though...........oh ...and ....fallout 3 rules......... :celebration:

No argument there :foodndrink:
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 10:48 am

Fallout 3 DLC cant compare to New Vegas's DLC.

New Vegas anything will always win because it has better story and better characters, and for everyone who is like "NEW VEGAS DLC ISN'T OPEN ENOUGH BOO HOO HOO" guess what the fallout series was never about large open world exploring many of the locations from Fo1 and Fo2, besides towns, were linear.
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Shelby McDonald
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 7:06 pm

No argument there :foodndrink:

ok lets debate mothership zeta.............not......hahaha
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Kieren Thomson
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 1:33 am

I think that the DLC for NV is more engaging and deep then any FO3 DLC, though my pick for the best DLC out of both games is The Pitt.
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 10:12 pm

I think that the DLC for NV is more engaging and deep then any FO3 DLC, though my pick for the best DLC out of both games is The Pitt.

EDIT: I'd also like to add that every DLC for Fallout 3 was linear except for Broken Steel and the Pitt.

How can you call HH deep? There's nothing there beyond the very short main story .....
Point Lookout was deep .... the main story was only a part of it. :confused:
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 1:15 am

ok lets debate mothership zeta.............not......hahaha

Yeah, better not. I'd probably expire with frustration. Still can't believe I paid for that rubbish. :obliviongate:
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 12:46 pm

Unless people like paying the same price for Vegas DLC when it contains about half the content, or less, of the F3 DLCs

You mean, enemies to kill and awesome loot? yeah thats the only thing that its missing, and I dont care

I just can't believe the praise I'm reading for Dead Money. Linear, frustrating to the point of self-harm, basic go-and-fetch missions from start to finish, no freedom or incentive to explore .... and those ********ing collars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I also cannot believe the praise of OA and Broken Steel, but you dont see me complaining about that :spotted owl:

The Pitt ..... that's how you do a brooding, atmospheric, polluted urban Fallout DLC ...... Dead Money should've taken a leaf out of its book.

Dead Money DLC is in a Villa, the Pitt is in Pitsburg, great difference here

Take Point Lookout .... big map, like Honest Hearts. Unlike HH however, Point Lookout is FILLED with side quests and Easter egss and things to find and varied and interesting characters. HH is filled with ... rocks, rocks, Datura plant, rocks, rocks, rocks .... give us some side quests, PLEASE!

Really? more easter eggs? does this game even does have one?

And i like how you emphasise FILLED, care to explain what sidequest are you talking about?
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kirsty williams
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 3:21 pm

Fallout 3 DLC cant compare to New Vegas's DLC.

New Vegas anything will always win because it has better story and better characters, and for everyone who is like "NEW VEGAS DLC ISN'T OPEN ENOUGH BOO HOO HOO" guess what the fallout series was never about large open world exploring many of the locations from Fo1 and Fo2, besides towns, were linear.

even the game developers are changing their view of fallout........this isnt 10 years ago
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Shannon Marie Jones
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 9:27 pm

How can you call HH deep? There's nothing there beyond the very short main story .....
Point Lookout was deep .... the main story was only a part of it. :confused:

Its called matter of taste , deal with it :disguise:
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jeremey wisor
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 7:06 pm

even the game developers are changing their view of fallout........this isnt 10 years ago

Bethesda isnt the original Developer FYI. Interplays Fallout 3 aka Van-Buren was going to be like Fo1 and Fo2.

The Devs of Fallout didn't change their view of the game.

Bethesda took Fallout and made a boring sequel that was almost unrelated to Fallout except names.
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Mason Nevitt
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 1:31 pm

[quote name='Dario Meza' timestamp='1309924747' post='18042482']
Its called matter of taste , deal with it :disguise:
i not a fan of honest hearts but alot of people liked it
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Emma louise Wendelk
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 6:56 pm

Bethesda isnt the original Developer FYI. Interplays Fallout 3 aka Van-Buren was going to be like Fo1 and Fo2.

The Devs of Fallout didn't change their view of the game.

Bethesda took Fallout and made a boring sequel that was almost unrelated to Fallout except names.

i know bethesda didnt develope fallout 1 and 2....i also think that open minded game developers will adjust their games when technology gives them the opportunity

i think obsidian did add alot of interaction within new vegas........big plus in the game
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 11:15 pm

i know bethesda didnt develope fallout 1 and 2....i also think that open minded game developers will adjust their games when technology gives them the opportunity

adjustments shouldn't be made when all they do is lower the games quality.

We are now stuck in these limited areas with one medium sized city and 5, 3 shack towns. Instead of the state sized expanse of the older games.
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cheryl wright
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 10:37 pm

Dead Money was great. It might seem linear because you have to navigate terrain threats like poison gas, ghosts and radio/alarms, but it is not linear. I thoroughly explored the entire villa, casino and vault in DM. Those threats and obstacles aren't barriers that you cannot overcome, they are puzzles for the player to navigate and solve. I figured them all out, destroyed the radios and sprinted through poison gas and was able to explore all of DM.

Honest Hearts was also good, but imo, not as interesting as DM. DM has a better story, with more interesting characters. HH had Joshua Graham, who was incredibly interesting, but I didn't think any of the other characters were very interesting. HH is a shorter, less demanding DLC than DM, DM requires you to think and survive, while HH is a bit easier to breeze through.

Both are good, and IMO, both are better than FO3 DLC.
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