Unless people like paying the same price for Vegas DLC when it contains about half the content, or less, of the F3 DLCs
You mean, enemies to kill and awesome loot? yeah thats the only thing that its missing, and I dont care
I just can't believe the praise I'm reading for Dead Money. Linear, frustrating to the point of self-harm, basic go-and-fetch missions from start to finish, no freedom or incentive to explore .... and those ********ing collars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I also cannot believe the praise of OA and Broken Steel, but you dont see me complaining about that :spotted owl:
The Pitt ..... that's how you do a brooding, atmospheric, polluted urban Fallout DLC ...... Dead Money should've taken a leaf out of its book.
Dead Money DLC is in a Villa, the Pitt is in Pitsburg, great difference here
Take Point Lookout .... big map, like Honest Hearts. Unlike HH however, Point Lookout is FILLED with side quests and Easter egss and things to find and varied and interesting characters. HH is filled with ... rocks, rocks, Datura plant, rocks, rocks, rocks .... give us some side quests, PLEASE!
Really? more easter eggs? does this game even does have one?
And i like how you emphasise FILLED, care to explain what sidequest are you talking about?