In my previous post i state how i did a 14 day sleep before looking this time.Look at what i collected,i'm sure you can now agree something is broken with the system or it's just a very stupid system being used(Like the foodstuffs never exceeding their daily production in a workbench)Right now i don't care if there is some randomness or even if scav benches give less than settlers just going normal scavenging,i just care(and this is very clear to me now) that the amounts you get over longer periods of time are ridiculously low.
Imo you should have a high chance of getting at least 1 piece of junk or raw mat per scavver per day and you should not have to travel to each settlement to empty the bench(or use up all your linked benches materials in building somewhere) to stay under some artificial limit so more can accumulate again
I don't think it's an exaggeration to say i spend nearly as much time looking at these loading screens as i am actually playing the game =/
*If you or anyone else wants to do better testing(which wouldn't be hard),by all means go for it,i'd be interested in reading it.I won't be anymore,because not only is sleeping a pain in the behind on console for me due to several hours of sleep taking absolutely ages to pass each day(usually the dawn period)but i keep getting attacks to defend.