I've increased the values of many variables (way past extreme) my rig can handle it (both cards are running at 95%) but if you find it a little too much you can scale back the settings. I've increased the lod ratio to help reduce pop in as e_lods=0 doesn't work (a better option would be to use e_lods=0 when / if that becomes available to the autoexec.cfg though)
Sun beams, texture res, lods have all been increased. Change the settings until you find your sweet spot.
I'm glad you like the screens, I think they look amazing.
Looking forward to the DX11 patch

Well I'm at my PC now and had a chance to test out your config and it's very nice indeed. I turned off vsync and increased maxfps and compared it to the normal extreme setting. I was getting 130 before and now getting 90 in same spot with much increased detail. I have 2 gtx480s oc'ed 810/2000. I also changed texture filter in the nvidia control panel cry2 profile to high quality and the r_PostMSAA to 8 instead of 4. keep up the good work! I want MORE!