I voted for the first one, whatever it is. I've been RPing since high school, so it jsut comes naturally. I don't put much thought into how things are "supposed to be". Like GEEZ, IT HAS TO BE THIS WAY OR ELSE!!!!111...rather, my character (which is just a mental energy essence in the first place) tends to "want" to do this or that, and I merely follow suit.
The only time I have trouble roleplaying is if there's some sort of household emergency taking place. My daughter is having trouble with a friend, the cat has spilled over a potted plant. At these times, obviously I sometimes lose my roleplay althogehter for the evening.
I also prefer not to play for hours and hours on end anymore. My typical Oblivion session nowadays is 3 hours, tops. During those 2-3 hours, I'm completely focused on my character. After that, my attention starts to wane, and it's time for Netflix or some other activity.

Perhaps this is partially due to the fact that I've got the PS3/vanilla game. I've seen it all in some rspects, so I don't spend an entire night playing until I can barely keep my eyes open like I used to.
And as some of you know,
it has to be overcast or rainy outside for me to play Oblivion in the first place. If it's sunny out, I get easily distracted. It's weird.
Do you full oblivion roleplay character refuse to join certain guilds if not in character or do you consider the guilds as too good to miss?
Oh yes, all the time do my characters refuse (or even ignore) cerain questlines. Eradi~Kate is doing the Dark Brotherhood, for instance, and got kicked out of the Mage's Guild for killing Earthor (she wanted his aweome home ! ). She wants to get back into the MG, and is taking steps to do so. But she will NOT attempt Fighter's GUild, or going after saving Kvatch, or delivering the Amulet, or a myriad of other questlines, really. There's no desire for these other directions at all, which is okay becasue some of my other chars. happen to want to take them.
Matter of fact, I'm at the point where certain characters of mine only inhabit certain areas. Dyan phor a'Cauz lives in the Waterfront Shack, Bruma House, and Greyland for instance, and in my other games, my other characters will NOT inhabit these homes. It's as if they are conscious of the fact that Dyan's homes are taken, and so my other chars. (Kate, Lou Zehr, Beujok the Grey Wizard, etc.) seek dwellings of their own.