If you kill a town ,then you go to a town 5 mins away then how the [censored] would they know jesus [censored] christ news travels slow in fallout full stop.
And you can only side with the good guys is that why you have the option to kill them twice ?once with the fev then you cam bomb there headquarters .Jeez f ing louise.
Actually play the game first.
As I told you before, to even
finish the game you need to ally yourself with the BoS while you
can't ally yourself with the Enclave. You get to destroy the Citadel but you still destroy the Enclave and thanks to the amazing Broken Steel DLC, you will have both of those factions chasing after you endlessly along with the generic raiders, Talon Company/Regulators, ect.
fallout 3 isn't very linear it is slightly more linear than fonv.
In both games you have backstory .fo3 from a vault aged 19 .
Fonv a courier from california that nuked the divide .And at the end of fo3 you can side with the enclave or the bos.
The Lone Wanderer:
1. Parents are James and Catherine; scientists working on Project Purity.
2. You are born at the Jefferson Memorial.
3. Your mother dies after you are born.
4. Your father runs to Vault 101 and raises you there for 19 years of your life.
5. Your best friend was Amata Almodovar.
6. You were bullied constantly.
7. You join the BoS.
8. You destroy the Enclave.
The End
The Courier:
1. "Came" from California.
2. Created a town.
3. Had a hand with the creation of the Divide.
4. Is shot in the head.
The End
With the Lone Wanderer, everything about your character is set. The Courier does have information but it doesn't give us their life story. It leaves gaps that we can fill on our own.
Hence why it's easier to RP in New Vegas than in FO3.
My Courier, Susan Monet, is a Boomer who one day escaped Nellis Air Force base and traveled to California. After working at a number of odd jobs she decided to find a more stable environement where she didn't have to work around NCR's policies. Thus, she founded a trading town at the location of what is to be known as the "Divide". Susan went back to the NCR to do one last delivery job without knowing what is going to happen. Once she survived the "blast", she had no place to go and feeling guilty of what she did, she punished herself by being a Courier for the rest of her life as a way to never forget what had happened. She made her way to the Mojave Wasteland and the rest is history.
I can't do that with the Lone Wanderer. Along with the bad writing, I couldn't really give my PC much of a personality.
Again no you can't side with the Enclave. And you tell me told play the damn game first. Blowing up the BoS HQ destroy Enclave as well. Face it, you can think you are one of the cool kicks all you want, maybe they will even talk with you now and then. But as long as they keep beating you up and making fun of you, you aren't one of them. That is the Enclave in Fallout 3. You may think you are one of them, you can act like them and help them, but they still shoot at you. You aren't one of them.
The Lone Wanderer is a 19 years old His parents are James and Catherine (Died during giving birth to the LW) and you are from Vault 101. We also know about James and his story.
The Courier, was a courier that was at the Divide years back before the game (Wow that's alot of background info)
Chosen One: A tribal from Arroyo and grandchild of the Vault Dweller (not a wealth of info there)
Vault Dweller: From Vault 13
The Warrior: A tribal that joined the BoS. Funny thing about the Warrior, Tactics isn't an RPG.
Do you even know what linear means? Once you leave the Doc's house in New Vegas, you can join and help pretty much every faction in the game. You can ally yourself with the three biggest players in the game. You can join them and help them conquer the Mojave. You can do it all without killing anyone (not Mr.House though) and you can even take all of the Mojave for yourself!
How is that Linear? Seriously how is that linear?
Fallout 3 every playthough will end the same. You go out of
Vault 13 (
). Sooner or later you find Dad. Dad gets the old gang together. Then the Enclave come, and you are then forced to join the Brotherhood. Got to find the GECK, you go to get the GECK. Enclave come and kidnap you. Eden asks you to help. Even if you say yes, the Enclave will try to kill you. Leave Raven Rock, go back to the BoS, BoS get Optimus Prime and they take back Project Purity. Thanks to Broken Steel the Wasteland will not turn into a "graveyard" if you put the FEV into the Water. Nothing really happens so the Enclave plan is flawed. With Broken Steel you go track down what is left of the Enclave.
Now this is were it gets "different". You can then destroy the Enclave. Destroy the BoS that will also destroy the Enclave. So no matter what, the Enclave get destroyed. Wow that isn't Linear at all!

BoS HQ might be destroyed but they still control Project Purity and most of the BoS wouldn't have been in it when it was blown up. So no matter what the Brotherhood Still win. And nothing you do outside of the Brotherhood really changes the DC wasteland.
fans you>
There, there. I agree with what you said.