And by that I mean having a broadsword in one hand and a magic spell in the other.
(Yes, that was a Dan bull reference )
I've heard some people say that its underpowered.
And by that I mean having a broadsword in one hand and a magic spell in the other.
(Yes, that was a Dan bull reference )
I've heard some people say that its underpowered.
There are very few methods of fighting in Skyrim that are underpowered. You can run around with a one-handed weapon and anything in your other hand and you will still kill enemies efficiently. If you make use of your hotkeys, a spellsword with a one-hander mainhand, and 3-4 spells being rotated in the offhand is a very powerful way to fight.
On my evil sorcerer character, I basically fight with a sword always swinging, and my other hand either summoning a minion, healing myself, shooting fireballs, using a ward to absorb spells, turning invisible, or even casting magelight. Its all gravy.