How to enchant weapons?

Post » Sat Dec 03, 2011 12:39 am

Please explain the ways...
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Liv Staff
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Post » Fri Dec 02, 2011 6:53 pm

You have to get an already enchanted item and go to an arcane enchanter and disenchant it to get the recipe for said enchantment, or if all else fails you could read the instruction book that came with the game.
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Krystal Wilson
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Post » Fri Dec 02, 2011 11:28 am

The basics:

You need an item to enchant, a soul gem with a trapped soul, an enchantment, and an enchantment table.

Picking the item (obviously) is up to you. Soul gems, the bigger the gem the more charges you'll get, You trap souls in a gem by killing them with a weapon that has a trap soul enchantment on it, or by casting it before killing them. Their soul fills a gem in your inventory. You get enchantments by "disenchanting" any item with a magical effect. The item breaks, and you unlock that enchantment ability for your future use. Your skill level determines the potential strength of the enchantment.
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