Just quoting Povuholo for the link.. comment directed to the OP
As funny as the link provided by Povuholo is, as it's been mentioned many times before, Bethesda does give the consumer the ability to toggle such settings in the form of the construction set. May be that a learning curve is involved, but for those pesky balance settings and removing 100% chameleon, it's just click click and done. And there is also the command console, if yo want too bypass the construction set and do changes on-the-fly.
And yes, I know xbox and PS3 players don't have command console access, but that, to me, is like complaining your Yugo doesn't have a Cadillac's suspension. You want a Cadillac's suspension? Get a Cadillac. You can't afford it? Oh, well...
As a general rant, and speaking of the comments and bickering on the forum, some of them I just don't understand, like...
1.- "I saw this thing in that game, I want it in this game".
That cool thing is what makes THAT other game, it is within the story and setting of that game. Things like climbing, romance, families, jobs, cooking, etc etc etc. Sure some of those may be funny, cool, actually useful, "immersive" (whatever that means anymore); but they are THAT other game. I mean, you don't go to, say, an Italian restaurant and tell them they should serve tacos because you loved the tacos this other restaurant serves. Tacos are food just like ziti is food, right? Why can't the Italian restaurant not only serve tacos but serve tacos the way you want them?
2.- Players who want to be constrained in an RPG.
The whole idea of an RPG is that the player is given choices to do or not to do, or to do the way the player sees fit.
So there are things like fast travel, "exploits" like 100% chameleon (yes, I will beat the dead horse, as this is the first thing that pops up on any conversation about "exploits"), etc., in the game. You know the complaints: "I don't want to use fast travel, but if it's there, I must use it", or "100% chameleon ruins the game because it makes the game too easy". Well, it is an RPG. Make a freaking choice to do, not to do, or do as you see fit. But no, no... these players must be constrained to what they think is the "right" way to play a game, which by the game's very own nature, has no right way of playing.
3. "Balance"
Like beauty, "balance" is in the eye of the beholder. And the "balance" complaints are usually directed to combat. Well, life is unbalanced. I know people who can beat the carp out of you with a stick, or their bare hands, with you wielding a sword, because if their ability to fight with a stick or bare handed... on a side note, that is what is is wrong with the show Deadliest Warrior, it only accounts for weapon damage, not the ability of the wielder, but I digress... So, when I am playing an RPG game, and I get killed by a guy wearing a loincloth wielding a knife with my character donning armor plate, I think to myself "oh, he's good with that knife"... but again, the constructions set takes care of that.