Mine are pretty awful people.
I go around catching butterflies. And I don't even use them in potions... #hardcoe
Mine are pretty awful people.
I go around catching butterflies. And I don't even use them in potions... #hardcoe
That's pretty evil alright^^
Well, none of my characters start out evil, I just can't bring myself to make someone's history: Yeah, that guy, evil. Big time.
It's more of a slow descent into madness fueled by a lust for power and revenge. At first, only people who insult my character meet an abrupt end.
Then it's the Legion an Stormcloak scouts and patrols that go missing in action in order to feed the addiction either for hearts or for blood, because war is dangerous, and who'll miss them, right?
And at last, anybody that gets in the way, or that just would prove more useful as a source of food will be sacrificed to the character's petty ambitions.
And for the truly evil ones: kill Barbas, kill Paarthurnax , and eat corpses in the name of Namira. Drive Maro into despair and madness! When it's an evil mage? Become a lich!
And kill harmless, peace-loving, mammoth-hearding giants and their cattle... without even having a soul-gem in my inventory, muahahaha...
Ditto. Though mine was more jealousy and lust for power. I can't really bring myself to make EVIL characters. Only broken, trashy people.
"Thunder Turdas" probably ranks pretty high in the evil-o-meter, though. It's when he randomly casts Soul Trap and Fear/Rout on anyone or anything unlucky enough to cross his path on midnight of every Turdas and then chases them down with Thunderbolts. The Fear spell is unnecessary. He just likes the thrill of the hunt.
He runs on souls, so it's a necessity. He prefers the black ones, though, so he does go out of his way to make sure he ends up in a small settlement or military camp before Turdas arrives.
I guess careless murder also counts. Obviously, he tries to maintain good publicity, so he tries to avoid criminal charges. If he can get away with it, he'll do it if he believes he's justified. "Justified" could mean they annoyed him enough.
Depends on how you define "Evil".
My "evil" characters don't go along mindlessly killing, they could be your neighbors who you won't even notice and may have around for dinner, or afternoon tea.
So what if some people go missing, Skyrim is a dangerous place, if not for my character, another thing would have killed them. Plus it kills the boredom and stocks up on his needed soul gems, what's to hate?
I wouldn't call it evil.
I'm just an [censored].
most of my characters are "morally grey"
Mine mostly just play Dark Brotherhood Assassins and worship the Daedra.
I don't know.... for those of you that understand the Dungeons and Dragons reference... Most of my characters are chaotic neutral. Any act is permissible, under the right circumstances. I have committed murders, simply because I did not like the guy. Or he was in the wrong place, at the wrong time. I purposely go out of my way to 'bump' Braith, and some of the other bratty kids, just to hear them shout at me "Hey, that hurts!" I get a kick out of that. (personally, I would like the option to spank them.... maybe as a kill cam, or some such. )
That's full blown Chaotic Evil, not Chaotic Neutral.
I do nice things for people to though.....
(but then, it IS chaotic to go against your alignment.)
kill alvor and adopt his kid?
swap out that blind bandit's book for a different one?
Mine are usually just marred by some horrible past which drives them to do what they do and have little consideration for others. They have a focused malevolence but are not petty.
I've got an evil mage: vampiric cannibal who drinks the blood of his hosts until he no longer feels the need to use them... then he kills them and eats them. His follower is Eola who he has a strange relationship with. He loves her, so he'll have to sacrifice her to Boethiah with pleasure. He's a Breton who serves the daedric princes so long as it benefits him. Total psychopath.
Interesting topic, because I did have a guy (a dark elf spellsword-type) who I wanted to be evil, and he eventually joined the Thieves Guild. But when it came to
I do have a concept character I'm thinking up lately though. Bjorn Tu Beywyyld will definitely have what it takes. He'll be a Hell's Angels type of guy, only with a horse to ride instead of an iron horse. I already know he'll have no problem being as evil as can be.
Most of my characters are either true neutral or chaotic good, but there is one who would do anything for power.
Everything from being mostly [censored]s that are self-interested to the detriment of everyone else, to homicidal maniacs on a killing spree through Skyrim(and Morrowind and Oblivion, for that matter).
Being evil is meaningless in this game. When you become famous as villain, random villagers, citizens, guards or even higher ranked people should fear when you enter a city/town etc. I remember, in an old game, Fable the Lost Chapter, if you are evil and harm villagers, they were running when you encounter.
In Skyrim, you can kill entire village/town/city yet, none of them afraid from you. When you hit someone -even if you have destroyed numberless cities, killed numberless dragons etc.- a farmer draw his sword and attack you :/
Yeah, I find it rather amusing that some farmer with a dagger will go after they guy in full armor, glowing in the dark from all the enchantments...... because he killed a chicken.......
Mine are usually pretty bad; heart collecting, murdering, bloodthirsty (perhaps arguably above and beyond the norm for an adventurer)...but this is I suppose a less enjoyable playstyle than the more refined, restrained neutral/goodguy approach.
Totally not starting that debate tho.