So.. basically I came up with a new idea for a mod. 'Mailboxes'. So like every house will have a mail box outside that you can activate to get your mail, as an alternative, or additional, to getting it via courier. I've already made a custom mesh and texture for a mailbox, and I've got a script attached to it, which works, but I'm not actually sure it does what I want it to do :S Here's the script that I've got on it at the moment:
Scriptname MailBoxScript extends ObjectReference Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef) if akActionRef == Game.GetPlayer() Mailman.OpenInventory(true) endifEndEventActor Property Mailman Auto
And the actor property 'mailman' is filled as 'WICourierNPCRef' in 'WICourierCell'.
Now, I can activate the mailbox and it opens up the courier's inventory, but it never has anything in it. It could just be I don't have any letters for me atm, but I tested it when I thought I should be getting a letter (using Wet and Cold Holidays which delivers letters whenever a holiday is coming up), and it was still empty. However, the courier himself never showed up either so.. I dunno :/
Basically, I'm wondering if this method will work, or like if there's a better way of doing it, as I couldn't think of any other way apart from checking the couriers inventory, but then again I'm still a novice scripter, so there could be other ways I don't know about. So yeah, any help would be much appreciated, thanks!