Alright I've been reading the thread, enjoying myself as I've done it but- Whoa, wait a sec.!! PersonWorm is a girl?! That just shatters my whole universe, man... :shakehead:
Anyway, as I was saying; I personally like Mamagato's idea the most. (Barring my own ofcourse

I remember this thread in another forum loooong ago where someone asked how to get a girl to like her. A Japanese nerdy 14 year old replies to the thread with these epic words:
"Become an hero"
-wait now, read it again.. Absorb it...-
Okay, if you were to "become an hero" as 14 year old Japanese nerd suggests, all your relationship troubles would come to an end! Everyone would instantly like you, you won't have trouble satisfying the girl, you'll have virtually no competition, and you'll have plenty of excuses to duck out of boring events by saying "my spider sense is tingling" or some crap. It's ideal! Becoming "an hero" is the only way!
Now, how to go about the transformation from an normal boy to an hero? Again, no one said super-hero, just hero. Stage an accident of some sort, then save the chick from that accident. Ask your friend to
accidentally lose control of his car and drive straight for the girl, when you jump out of nowhere and
stop the car, oh wait, this isn't Twilight push her out of the way. (Remember to jump out of the cars way too, don't pose
before you're clear). Once your clear; pose.
Speaking of which, when exactly are you planning on
testing our advice putting your plan into action?