Holy crap bud, bet ya didn't expect this when you started the thread.. you were probably more in tune with: "Oh gawd, the board is gonna roast me for starting a jaho line.."
Anyway, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3aIBF9hSI-I&feature=related
which proves that no matter how wrong you get it, there is always a worse way to do things
I just looked up JAHO on Urban Dictionary. Didn't realize it started here.

I almost feel a sense of personal celeb coming on due to this..
we are
sooo cool :twirl:
Now to answer the OP's original question. How to JAHO. I'd usually skip the details but as I am free, and full of BS I need to get off my chest, I'll go ahead and answer him.
How Exactly To JAHO:
One must look at each word carefully, anolyze it, and understand it.
Just: One must be just and fair in order to maintain a balanced relationship.
Ask: For one must ask the woman of his liking, rather than forcing her, or begging her.
Her: For it is all about her. Not about you, or me, or your paternal third cousin. Her.
Out: For if you are to ask her "in", it would defeat the purpose of asking in the first place as she is most likely already in. "Out" is the location in which everything takes place.
Master the principles of these words. A thousand women may come, and you shall have a thousand positive replies without failure.
*bows in humility*
very nice..
Stand atop a lonely mountain, after having killed a bear, a mountain lion, a rabid racoon, and a wolverine with athletes foot.
Stand there with your chest hair exposed, your shirt buttons undone to the third button, not a hair out of place, as the wind howls through the trees, and proclaim that all the werewolves and vampires answer to YOU. As the wind whips through you, you don't shiver, for your five o clock stubble and your hirstuteness keeps you warm.
You remove your foot from the assembled carcasses of your enimies, stride slowly over to the gaggle of pvssyring ladies, and ask your intended if she'd like to accompany you to *insert activity of choice that involves no movies, or awkward prolonged silences* AUTOMOTIVE SWAP MEET ARE ALSO A NO GO!!
But other than that, this usually works for me.. my only problem, no unvanquished enemies left

Aw, man this thread is legen- *wait for it* -dary
Any way I'm 14
In this town there are no bowling alleys, ice skating rinks or art galleries
All there basically is, is a community pool, cinemas and a nice little cafe
I don't know protective her mother is either, whether or not she'll let her go with me to the cinemas
Right.. then three quarters of the advise giving here ought to be chucked, including Zack Brannigan's guide to making love at a woman..
sowwee...Is it obvious how badly I am trying to one-up my buddy Holy Assassin?
Only ever so slightly, like an iceberg barreling down on a helpless oceanliner in the night, while the band kept playing, and playing...
Hetaera's advise: Fart at her

I believe it is something along the lines of "I am Adam. Prince of Eternia and keeper of the secrets of Castle Greyskull. This is Cringer... my fearless friend. Fabulous secret powers were revealed to me the day I held aloft my magic wand (use psuedonyms here) and said... By the power of Greyskull!"
Like I said.. three quarters..
Anywho.. listen buddy, like you mentioned, you're 14 and just starting out, and this is your first jaho
evah.. so she's just as nervous about life as you are, it's just that girls and woman always seem less awkward about it, which unfortunately compounds ours.. yeah, get used to it.
But really, at your age, just asking her out is that simple.
"Wanna hang out, maybe get a soda at the mall?"
"Do you understand [insert school subject], cuz I can help"
or "..cuz I could really use some help."
"Joey Wizerbowski's parents are letting him have a mixed birthday party Friday afternoon/evening. Would you like to go with me?"
And always realize that it's about spending time with someone, and having fun.
DO NOT OVER COMPLICATE THIS!! As a guy it's you first line of reasoning, DON'T FALL FOR IT!!
From Andy's book of magic:
"Confidence is one of the most attractive forces a man can put out. If accompanied by good personal hygiene and a non-too-disastrous fashion sense (again, simple is better, but mind the shoes, because women do), it will pull you through the moment successfully."
I look a lady square in the eyes and state that I really want to get to know her better (for whatever reason), and whether they would mind.
If they don't mind, I'm in. B)
Good luck.