I'm sorry I feel this way too.
I've supported Bethesda for over 20 years now and seen them grow into an AAA publisher. But I now unfortunately have to conclude that they left me behind, they don't make games for people like me anymore. Now they make games for consoles and for players who need to experience all content on one playthrough and who don't ever, ever want to fail at anything.
The game is a shooter and not an RPG. Surviving in a nuclear wasteland? No, instead you get power armour 20 minutes into the game. There are stimpacks, ammo and lockpicks in abundance, it's made so you don't ever have to ration and you'll never run out. There are no skillchecks in dialogue anymore. There are no quest options that open up or lock up according to your stat choices anymore. All dialogue options lead to the same result. Everyplace you go everyone is hostile by default.
World locations spoilers ahead:
Spoiler FInd a nice racetrack where people are racing robots? Well, you can't join them and let Codsworth race, they'll attack you on sight. Same with the arena thing and Liberty Ville, same with the Gunner Plaza and every single location on the map except two cities and about 30 empty settlements you'll want to avoid if you don't feel like doing a pointless and annoying building sim.
Storyline spoiler ahead:
Spoiler The ending of the game is a total letdown. No matter what you do you're a war criminal who commits mass murder. There is no way to broker any kind of peace or cease fire between the factions. The final cutscene is a disgrace with a dialogue meant to force in yet again how terrible it is that I am transplanted away from the life I had, even though this is only made apparent in the beginning and at the very end. In between I merrily trounce along killing everything in sight and not worrying about a thing. The "war never changes" line actually made me wince it was so inappropriately shoehorned into it.
The game is an interesting shooter, but it's an even worse RPG than Skyrim. There is a clear line of progression happening with Bethesda games ever since at least Oblivion and it leads away from RPG mechanics into what I described above, an open world action game where you're not ever allowed to fail and where everything must be doable on one single playthrough. I think I died maybe twice in this game, both times at the very beginning when I was still figuring out how to play. And that says it all really.
I'm sorry about this too. I used to love Bethesda games. But they just don't make games for people like me anymore. I supported them for a long time and I'm happy to see they got successful, but I am sad to see them turn into yet another EA Bioware.