But what about weapons? Wouldn't it be nice if you could parry attacks with two weapons, or execute special and more devastating attacks depending on your weapon combo?
For example, we know from the GI article that swords cause critical damage, axes bleed and maces ignore armor. What if you had, for example, two maces and if you successfully parry an attack (you should have a VERY small window of opportunity for this) you can counterattack with a low-damage attack, but one that stuns the enemy and makes your attacks ignore armor while the target is stunned.
A dual-dagger rogue should have a more devastating sneak attack/animation, because he is not using one hand to use chameleon or otherwise enhance his sneaking abilities (I am not sure if maintaining a spell requires it to be equipped in a hand, but imo logic and gameplay balance dictate so).
I am not sure if they will include unique combos for different weapon combos though, like Sword/Axe, Mace/Dagger etc... maybe it would be too much for the targeted audience..