How far back into TES do you go?

Post » Sun Mar 27, 2011 3:12 am

I go back to Daggerfall...although, I must admit, when I first played I didn't like it. It's size was just a bit overwhelming. It grew on me though :)
I still play with pen and paper twice a month ^_^ I'm not a loser I swear!
PC is best, don't let anyone tell you different.
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Rhiannon Jones
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Post » Sat Mar 26, 2011 8:29 pm

Went over to my friends house one day and he let me borrow a few games. In that stack of games was a copy of Morrowind. Hearing only great things about it I popped it in and was hooked. Ever since I grabed anything Elder Scrolls related to please my addiction.
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matt white
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Post » Sat Mar 26, 2011 3:42 pm

I grew up on pen n' paper, Final Fantasies on SNES, and Ultimas VII and VIII.

Then came Daggerfall, which hooked me. I honestly don't recall what prompted its purchase.

I then went back to Arena, which I honestly didn't enjoy very much compared to Daggerfall.

Then I played Battlespire, which I thoroughly enjoyed, unlike many folks. I wish I could get it running well on my modern machine!

I mooned over Morrowind here until its release, after which I played (and modded) the heck out of it. Got both expansions.

Then came Oblivion, for which I did the same (and still do!), along with the DLC and Shivering Isles.

I play almost exclusively on PC, as I am somewhat obsessive about fine tuning my gaming experiences. I also have played no games on my phone other than Brick Breaker.

I don't know how hard core I am, really, just that I'm obsessive in the way I set up my game and play.
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Cesar Gomez
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Post » Sat Mar 26, 2011 6:32 pm

To be specific I started on Oblivion and then went backwards to Morrowind then Daggerfall and I just cant do Arena
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Aaron Clark
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Post » Sun Mar 27, 2011 2:26 am

Been playing TES since Morrowind, with a bit of Redguard, hardcoe and PC.
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Post » Sun Mar 27, 2011 4:26 am

My first TES experiance ever was about 9 years ago when I was 7. I remember coming into our study and seeing my mums old boyfriend playing a game. I asked what it was and he said Morrowind. I watched for a bit and saw him travelling along the Molag Mar coastline when he approached a daedric ruin at sunset, I was in awe when we saw a flame atronach in the distance. I asked what it was and he said he didint know, attacking it he died. Then I was sent to bed. Soon after I asked my mum if I could create a morrowind character and she said yes. I made an argonian. Soon after they broke up and he left the morrowind disc behind. I kept playing and here I am today.
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jessica robson
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Post » Sat Mar 26, 2011 9:55 pm

My TES journey started with Arena. I clearly remember seeing a preview in a probably now non-existent PC enthusiast mag and thinking 'wow, this looks like it could be as good as Ultima Underworld!' and decided I had to have it.

So I bought Arena in the first week of release and have been addicted ever since. I have played every PC TES release since, except for Battlespire which was strangely hard to find in Australia at the time. It wasn't until Oblivion that I took the console releases seriously, now I'm seriously thinking of getting Skyrim on X360 as well on launch day.
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Rhiannon Jones
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Post » Sun Mar 27, 2011 5:21 am

I started with Arena, skipped DF, and came backe with Morrowind, Oblivion, and all future ES chapters. I started playing Dungeons and Dragons as a 7 or 8 year old back in the late 70s.
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Melung Chan
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Post » Sun Mar 27, 2011 7:21 am

To tell the truth, the moble travel game of oblivion was my first! lol. I didn't even know it was based off of a real game until after I played it, went to the elder scrolls web site one time and saw that they had a moble oblivion.
After I saw a picture of it, it was hard to forget that small little phone game i had that was called, Oblivion.
First actual TES game I played was Morrowind. Only got to level 10 or so, then played Oblivion. Was amazed with both, love them both, and even after 500 hours of gameplay with the series I still today just found myself making a new character.
I tried to download free daggerfall on UESP but I guess my computer is so crappy it can't even run that. Kept freezing on character creation.
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gary lee
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Post » Sat Mar 26, 2011 5:05 pm

Firstly I made a thread like this and the moderator called it 'off topic' and moved it to the TES Series Discussion board where not many people venture, nice to see some consistancy? :confused:

Saying that, I have played all the TES games back to 1994 with Arena, that was my first exposure to Bethesda and have loved all their games since including FO3 :) What can I say I was hooked by the open nature of their games and attention to detail, so excited looking forward to Skyrim! Of course I was PC only at the start and only went to the PS3 with Oblivion, chances are I will buy Skyrim for both the PS3 so I can play in 52 inchs and with surround sound and for the PC! :goodjob:
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Alexander Lee
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Post » Sat Mar 26, 2011 5:12 pm

Started with Daggerfall demo in 1995, then bought DF in 1996 and fell in love with it. Bought MW in 2009 and Oblivion in 2010. Now MW is my favorite, DF my 2nd favorite, OB my 3rd, and Arena my 4th because I've not played too much of it. I also do modding. Strictly PC player.
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Post » Sat Mar 26, 2011 8:49 pm

I started with Morrowind. Ahh the long hours spent exploring with my cousin at my side.
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Ridhwan Hemsome
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Post » Sun Mar 27, 2011 1:19 am

Started with Daggerfall demo in 1995, then bought DF in 1996 and fell in love with it. Bought MW in 2009 and Oblivion in 2010. Now MW is my favorite, DF my 2nd favorite, OB my 3rd, and Arena my 4th because I've not played too much of it. I also do modding. Strictly PC player.

Ugh, that demo was so addicting I played it for what felt like forever. I remember finally grasping the mechanics well enough that I levelled high enough to start seeing Mithril and Adamantium before the demo time ran out.
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Javaun Thompson
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Post » Sat Mar 26, 2011 7:50 pm

Started with Oblivion , i would consider myself somewhat hardcoe as i like a challenge in games and can spend alot of time playing them but i dont have any modding experience and prefer to play my character my way rather than what is optimal. Aaand im a PC gamer for life =]
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Nicole Mark
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Post » Sat Mar 26, 2011 6:19 pm

I started the Epic TES journey with Arena, Daggerfall (that kept me hooked for a looooong time), Battlespire, Morrowind, Oblivion and now i`m ready for Skyrim
No other game series has kept me hooked for so many years or given so many hours of gameplay. TES= Epic Win

Forgot to add Redguard. That was fun in a jumpy/slash/puzzle kind of way ;)
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stephanie eastwood
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Post » Sun Mar 27, 2011 2:33 am

Started with MW , played DF and i follow the "update" .
Im too hardcoe to play OB .
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elliot mudd
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Post » Sun Mar 27, 2011 1:14 am

Started with Oblivion, and when I heard about Morrowind I went back and played that. Was amazed, by the end of my first Morrowind playthrough, but I couldn't find the resolve to start another save as the combat/spell-casting was ridiculous on low levels. My personal favorite is an uber modded Oblivion, even if it lacked the same richness as a stock Morrowind.
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Solène We
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Post » Sat Mar 26, 2011 8:06 pm

Played Oblivion and then Morrowind.

Sort of hardcoe. Only for Elder Scrolls though.
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Miragel Ginza
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Post » Sun Mar 27, 2011 1:10 am

I've played every ES game except for Redguard and Battlespire, but I never went far into Arena. The order I've played the games:

Morrowind - Tribunal - Bloodmoon- Oblivion - KOTN - Daggerfall - Arena
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Michelle davies
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Post » Sun Mar 27, 2011 5:33 am

I started with oblivion. Unfortunately I was not aware of the TES series prior because I didn't do much pc gaming besides starcraft and aoe and I only owned a PS2, no xbox. I wish I had heard of at least morrowind, I would have enjoyed it immensely when it was released, though it is still great to go back and play.

I'm pretty hardcoe with this stuff. I really role play a lot and make several small mods for my specific characters.
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gary lee
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Post » Sun Mar 27, 2011 6:39 am

Been playing computer games since I got a Commodore Vic-20 back in the day (yep, I am old).

Commodore Vic-20 for me too. Remember this one?

After that I didn't play for almost 20 years. I would watch my stepson play Doom and Quake on his new computer, but it didn't inspire me to get back into gaming.

A couple years ago I was given a copy of Oblivion by a friend who raved about it. I found it hard to get into, then something clicked in my brain and I haven't looked back since. I now have the GOTY of Oblivion and run the OOO and Lost Spire mods which I can't seem to play without any more.

I went to find Morrowind at our local gaming store, but they didn't have it. So, I ended up purchasing Fallout 3 and thought it was great.

I bought Dragon Age Origins and tried to get into it. I'm afraid Bethesda has spoiled me for other games.
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Austin England
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Post » Sat Mar 26, 2011 5:31 pm

Started with Oblivion on the advice of a friend, and then bought Morrowind. They share the title of my favourite game of all time.
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Judy Lynch
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Post » Sat Mar 26, 2011 8:54 pm

Started with Morrowind. Fairly clued up (but a little rusty) on Morrowind and Oblivion. Background knowledge of the previous games.

I wouldn't say I'm a "hardcoe" player, but I certainly don't appreciate lazy features such as fast-travel everywhere, and the way they brutalised enchantments in Oblivion (but it's back as a skill now! :D). Have modded Morrowind and Oblivion a little, but have only released to friends who will appreciate the crap value :P

And I play my RPGs on the PC.
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Gemma Archer
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Post » Sun Mar 27, 2011 5:51 am

Played Oblivion first. Then tried out Morrowind. I've tried to play Arena, but got stuck in the first area: I had no clue where I was going. I'm going to try Daggerfall soon, though, I think.

I wouldn't call myself 'hardcoe', though. I like to keep up with the lore, but that's the same of everything I'm interested in, from the real world to Halo to Mass Effect. I like knowing what's going on.

I play Morrowind on the PC, and Oblivion on the 360. I play on buying Skyrim for the 360 too: my PC is getting a bit old to play recent games.
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He got the
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Post » Sun Mar 27, 2011 1:04 am

I started with Oblivion, which is still my favorite game in the series. I then played and greatly enjoyed Morrowind. I have put a few hours into Daggerfall as well, and gotten out of the tutorial dungeon in Arena. I might try Arena some more, but not sure how into it I will manage to get. I am slightly hardcoe, I have only tried PnP, but would love to play it some more. I've made a mod for Morrowind, and I enjoy both fast travel and strict roleplay, depending on what type of character I play.
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