Thanks everyone for replying. I really enjoy the 'hive' memories about the TES universe

Here some personal replies, nothing more, nothing less.
Lol, great story man. In fact that's the way i felt the first time i played Morrowind, could grasp the openness!
Lol, the Oblivion with guns and the eager to find the truth was what took me to Fallout after i had dediced not to go for it. And it turned out a very good game in the end!
LOL, unvelievable!
Ha! If they were your mates then great!
That has to be some impressive record. And no, you're right, most of us miss the depth.
Pen and paper exp is superior to modder as role player status

That sounds like an emotional memory, hehe. But a great story!
The difference may lie in the spirit, this points the Skyrim way and i even made a second poll with the same name but about Skyrim
Im too hardcoe to play OB .
ROFL, that's something to quote!!
Bought Oblivion, loved it.
Bought Morrowind, hated it, one of the worst games i've ever played.