I first saw Morrowind when I went over to a friend's house in sixth grade. Sure, I guess the graphics weren't anything to gawk at, but the freedom it gave you was purely amazing. Yeah, we spent the night killing everyone in the game, but the next day we started a save where we actually
Unfortunately, as I found out in the next couple weeks thanks to my local rental store, Morrowind didn't exist on the PS2. To put it simply, I was devastated and my life turned into a perpetual black hole with no happiness or joy...
"Wait, you can play this game on the computer?" And thus became my first game--besides Runescape

--to be played on the PC. I've probably put at least 1,000 hours into Morrowind since then, modding the hell out of it to keep the graphics fresh and what not. I can't play Oblivion on my PC (it's an Omnibook 6100 with a 16 GB hard drive) so I had to get that for the console. I mean, I prefer Morrowind for a number of reasons, but I love the TES series more than any other, and I have to say I cannot wait to get Skyrim at the midnight release!