It's about as smart as smithing 242578 iron daggers or spending 12 hours in Helgen Keep hitting Ralof repeatedly and sneaking into a wall. Grinders gonna grind. If a skill is too grindy by its nature, maybe we can try to fix it instead of cutting it out?
It also doesn't mean it should be removed. Maybe, maybe not. Games need to be fun, first and foremost. Pure RP features can be a lot of fun. Ever played a Malkavian in VTM:B? A low intelligence char in Fallout or Arcanum? Nowadays if a skill doesn't help you bash people's heads in, it's a waste of resources (yes, it's an awful generalization, don't yell at me.
I want roleplaying supported by game mechanics, not just happening in my head. This includes multiple quest paths, world reactivity and yes, skills which may not be the most useful skills available, but add a unique flavor to my playthrough. We need to stop stripping RPGs from apparently unimportant and "good only for RP" features. RPGs are supposed to be about RP...
As for Athletics and Acrobatics, they could be merged into a tree similar to SkyRe's Wayfarer with flavor perks for jumping, swimming, climbing (a girl can dream), harvesting. Underwater exploration? Let me increase my lung capacity so I don't have to keep chugging waterbreathing potions. Living off the land (my favorite thing to do in Skyrim, most of my characters never bought a house)? Let me harvest more plants or meat in one go. Fun, very possibly.