How far do you expect console mods to go?

Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 4:37 pm

No problem in current Fallout 4 mods - because there are none yet.

Playing with a controller on my PC, in Fallout NV there are a lot of mods that expect keyboard input.

Mods that require the use of the "B" key, or the "X" key, I never figured out how to use with a controller.

So this is just something mod makers need to be aware of.

Big mods, like MCM, already support a controller. Mod authors will just need some education.

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Kayleigh Mcneil
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 8:50 pm

Most likely only weapons and armor/clothing, maybe some new followers. Everything has to be approved by both Bethesda and Microsoft (maybe), so it'll go through two separate bottlenecks until it reaches consoles. Things like HD textures or nvde mods will almost certainly be a no.

Edit: Is there anything saying that mod authors will be able to upload directly to a console "marketplace"? I'm really curious to see how Bethesda handles console mod management and the potential breaking of games. I'm also really hoping for some quality lighting mods, like Darker Nights-Brighter Lights and maybe some ENB's even though the game looks pretty solid as is since it's not color-palette biased like 3 and NV were.

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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 8:36 pm

I have no idea any more.. We know what Todd Howard has stated he wants and believes that we will have but we also know how strict console makers have been in the past. I'm interested to see what will be allowed. If it works well, and plenty of mods are allowed, we'll be seeing an amazing next step in console games and other game makers will likely follow suit. I'm sure plenty of game companies will be paying close attention to how this all plays out.

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Jeneene Hunte
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 1:25 pm

I'd also guess at modders willing to try and support worry about people stealing mods and uploading them.

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Kelly Upshall
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 8:32 pm

As long as the mod doesn't make use of keyboard controls, like Project Nevada in New Vegas, I don't see why they wouldn't upload it to the console mod nexus as well.

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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 2:09 pm

I'm not expecting a lot honestly. Hell, I will be happy with new texture packs for the building system, and new lore friendly guns and armor/clothing.
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 5:01 pm

I'd imagine content packs to be the main thing for console mods.

Unofficial patches too, don't see any reason for them to be blocked.

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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 1:34 pm

Them simply not wanting to deal with unofficial patches alongside their official patches. Eventually, when they stop updating, they might change that tune. That's one reason!

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Jinx Sykes
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 6:39 pm

Total nonsense, otherwise they wouldn't let unofficial patches exist on PC too. Every other Bethesda game has shown that the unofficial patches can come out concurrently with official patches without any real problems. And if anyone thinks Bethesda won't permit the unofficial patches out of "pride", well, Bethesda isn't petty.

They've said that they want as many mods as possible to hit the consoles, regardless of how much they could potentially break the game. The only limits they've expressed were things that break their terms of service (nudity, child-killing, copyrighted assets, etc) and things that outright won't function on consoles (script extenders, ENB, 4k texture overhauls, etc).

ENBs or anything that requires an external program or injector are almost definitely out of the question. But mods like or, which only use the in-game lighting effects and settings to overhaul the lighting, should totally be fair game.

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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 11:19 pm

I expect it to be esp's only, which means only mods that modify the game with existing assets, they probably won't let you download anything with custom models and textures, just mods that use the games default assets and custom scripts.

I'll be surprised if they do go all in with custom hair styles and high res textures and total conversions, but I'm not counting on it, its probably just esp files only which can still do a lot, you can still create whole new lands and missions and npc's with the default assets. Pet Deathclaw incomming.

I'm hoping they'll allow some graphics tweaking through scripting, unlocked framerate, fxaa and motion blur turned off. Maby a 60fps mod in lower quality but faster framerate. That is if they allow scripting and they should to make any good mods for consoles. Without scripting all you can do is edit the map a little bit and that would be lame.

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Post » Tue Dec 08, 2015 12:44 am

I don't see how it would be possible for consoles to be able to run any and every mod released on the PC. I could be wrong but it just doesn't make sense to think that it would be possible in my mind.

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Christie Mitchell
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 8:48 pm

I expect it will be very limited. For me an unofficial mod would be golden for us console users as they have done very well on Skyrim and Oblivion (from and posts on the TES forum). Anything else, just maybe weapons and armor/clothing, but do not expect a side mission, graphic enhancement, or body mods (except may be hair style).

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Post » Tue Dec 08, 2015 12:51 am

Why wouldn't any new assets be allowed? If they don't have a ridiculous filesize, there's no reason why they wouldn't work on the consoles. And even then, new assets probably fall under the "We'll allow even some potentially game breaking stuff". Bethesda wants to get as any mods onto the consoles as they possibly can, and I think that means everything up to DLC-sized expansions is possible. This is new for consoles - why not test the limits?

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Jennifer May
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 1:31 pm

Idd say the first couple weeks you will only see smaller mods like skins and re-textures, then weapons and other assorted added items and changes to the system like access to the console and such. It will probably be ATLEAST a month or so before you see quests start to pop up. and that's to say someone started one on day one and never quit working on it. If you've always been on console, idd imagine you will be happily pleased with the addition of mods as its not a regular part of your realm of gaming. :) Enjoy!

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Post » Tue Dec 08, 2015 4:45 am

I'm just glad to hopefully get some unofficial patches. I was a bit bummed at not having a console editor on console. I tended to fix my own problems as I found them but the unofficial patches will do nicely.

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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 10:23 pm

Its not out of 'pride'. Its out of not wanting to break peoples save game because their fix might conflict with another persons fix. For consoles I can see that being a major issue. Afterall isn't the whole point of it to simply plug and play? Not download a mod from the companies service, find out it conflicts with an official patch, then try and error fix it? Considering they don't get a geck or console commands, or a tes-edit type program.. That would get annoying fast.

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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 12:39 pm

That risk is inherent with every mod, not just the unofficial patches. Hell, it's less of a problem because of deliberate pains the unofficial patch team takes to ensure stability and compatibility. Bethesda's already said the game will be doing an automatic backup save when you install mods. They've also said that they'll still let end-users potentially break their game, rather than restrict console modding a ton to reduce the risk.

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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 8:14 pm

re: modifying leveled lists.... occurs to me that this could maybe be an issue, at least if you try to use multiple mods that effect the leveled lists. Because of the lack of an external program to combine them/make them play nice together.

I'm sure they'd still allow it, but it would just remain a slight compatibility issue with each mod interfering with the one before. Doesn't break the game, just makes the loot not work as expected.

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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 1:04 pm

I'll be fine with guns and armor maybe a few locations and a magic box with EVERYTHING in it lol everything else I don't care about...I'm not a graphic snob in the least so I coudnt care less about texture packs and enbs and most user quests are...well pretty bad
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 3:07 pm

Personally I see this going poorly.

I have enough trouble as it is keeping mods playing nicely, and I halfway know what I'm doing. Enough to make my own simple mods.

Giving that power to your average 12 year old who doesn't even understand what conflicting records are? ...

It will be a learning opportunity, that's for sure,

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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 9:18 pm

Errrm, that power has already been given to the average 12 year old that has access to a PC. Extending mod usage to consoles doesn't really change that.

Remember, what is being given to console users is NOT the capability to create mods on consoles, but only to use them on consoles. All mods will be created on PC's.

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Esther Fernandez
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 10:21 pm

I'm fully aware of that.

The one's on pc don't worry me either.

But the intelligence range of my own nephews and other children met on COD multiplayer and the like? ...

That's who I'm speaking of. Letting them try and install their own mods I'm afraid will result in them trying to install the equivalent of Skyre, requiem and perma all at the same time because they all sounded like they did cool things.

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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 9:55 pm

They'll get a lot out of it. Not the super fancy stuff that require additional tools to run (script extenders, SE plugins, ReProccer-type patches, Bashed Patch etc.) but they'll get a lot of cool things, especially the unofficial patches. I may be wrong, time will tell, but right now it feels like a win-win: console folk get to see just how awesome mods are so mods will become more popular which will hopefully lead to more developers giving us modding tools fr their games.

People already do that on PC.

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lacy lake
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 3:01 pm

They have said that they are willing to let mods "break the game". Also, they have stated that they have a system in place that, when you add in mods, it creates a "clean save" that is not dependent on any mods so that, should the mods break your game, you still have that "clean save" to go back to, without losing any progress.

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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 8:44 pm

If its an unofficial patch, those tend to be needed *before* you start the game. Not installed in a game in progress. So if that mod conflicts with a patch, which is not a mod... Your up a river without a paddle.

As for them willing to let mods break the game, it really remains to be seen how mods will be cleared for the console.

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