» Mon Dec 07, 2015 2:05 pm
Obviously, there is a special arrangement made with Bethesda and Microsoft and a reason Sony is still not on board. But the very nature of allowing Consoles to have mods is to allow them to download files.
Perhaps I am missing something, but aside from hardware limitations for some mods, which this isn't about, what is the difference between a PC user running windows, playing Fallout with Mods and the Console player, running a console with windows and hardware by the same company? What makes it a good business model for Steam to allow community mods, but not the X-Box marketplace?
Not allowing you to download music and movies is their choice, not a hardware limitation. The music on Xbox 1 is the way it is, so that you use their music streaming service, not because it's impossible.
There isn't an equivalent to mods, because it's unprecedented. But there is nothing stopping them from allowing you to download content related to your game, if they choose to.
I know one thing. If they decide allow players to download mods, they can easily whip that up into a pretty great marketing campaign right in time for the holiday sales season. "Mods- Only on Xbox One!"