» Fri Apr 08, 2011 2:37 am
Generally, things players do (such as using rapid fire controllers) are considered cheap because the results are better than they would be in semi-real life.
Quickscoping: You turn right, aim down the scope, and fire in one smooth motion.
As you turn, the rifle trails behind slightly.
When you stop turning, the rifle swings right a bit more than your body, then you correct it.
Allowing for the way rifle swings about relative to your body would take epic timing, and so would not be cheap.
Pulling trigger on a pistol superfast:
There should be a minor scripted limiter, as it takes time for the gun to eject the brass and load the next round.
After 2 or 3 shots the recoil would mean the shot goes way over the cross hair.
This could be observed with a laser dot on the gun, and allowed for (or even used), by initially aiming low