this is how i feel while waiting the next 12 days till i get early acces
this is how i feel while waiting the next 12 days till i get early acces
lol literally, but its a good representation of how i feel while waiting, the noose is around my neck and the countdown has started till i whittle my life away playing eos
Oh, lordie. Not sure if that one needs a /rimshot or a /groan and a /kick
Not quite at that level - just pacing up and down and wearing a track in the carpet level, not serious enough for nooses to be involved - but I have spent an inordinate amount of time since the beta finished thinking about builds.
My wife is already getting grouchy at me, since i am building up a stockpile in preparation, mini fridge stocked full of redbulls/soda check, enough dip on hand to satisfy me during a gaming rampage check, lazy boy recliner set up next to computer with back massager/heat check, beef jerky, candy, and duct tape to tie up kids/wife if they get to annoying........ check
HAHAHA same here, but the only difference is I told my wife and kid that is for whatever reason I get the minimal interruption during the vacation I took for early access just because I never take days off and I never ask them for anything, both of their faces will be on the following week milk carton.... I only want peace and quite for 7 days in a row, that's not too much to ask, Isn't?
I just wish my husband liked this sort of game enough to play it with me. Couldn't even get him to try the beta, it's just not his sort of thing.
The wait is making me crazy. I'm starting to randomly come up with ESO-related Frozen parodies, like "Do you wanna crown an Emperor?".
I'm having ESO withdrawals! Good to know there's less then 11 days till i can start playing.
I explode my head at least couple times daily theorycrafting. There's just SO MANY good choices for the builds, and I haven't even been able to decide on weapon/class yet.
The house is spotless...I've been so bored of waiting that I've cleaned everything just to kill some time, I've now got nothing left to clean...guess at least there's football in the evenings that I can watch and The Voice. Anyone got any ideas for killing time?
@Epona222 I really struggled to get my husband to have a go at beta but he did eventually because I wouldn't shut up about it, he's now going to pre-order it...he's a WoW player though. Hope he sees you playing and enjoying it so much that he just HAS to buy it too
Hmm, didn't realize it is only 12 days away... Oh, well.
30th is Mother's Day here in the UK, will be on ESO for it's entirety as long as there's no launcher problems....
To kill time i bought Deus Ex HR: The fall. Although i only think of TESO when i play. 11-12 more days seems so far away.
No. Just no. I wore that cassette out as a teenager and I don't need reminded of it!
The wait is hard indeed. Even tho I still have a couple of weeks of raiding in swtor left and handling of guild matters like choosing a new GM to handle galactic business while I venture into elf land etc I still feel like time couldn't go slower And every time logging on to our game community website, the ESO countdown timer hitting me in the face on the front page ugh
luckily I know the number is only going down, so got that going for me.
Haven't started to stockpile beer and food quite yet but I bet it's coming up during the weekend before early access just so can just make a Keep for ourselves with the husband in our computer room
Edit: thanks, now I have the final countdown playing in my head xD
I love the 80s lol That video brought back so many memories, I loved it when it came out but I was 8 years old Thanks for the link Kaendor!