I've picked up Oblivion again and have been playing for a couple of months now but I still haven't found a character which suits me! I keep making characters and getting bored with them and then start new character... Over and over again. I read posts of people like Acadian who has found Buffy, and uh Lothran (that's not his forum name but I'm bad at names, sorry!) with his character, Lothran, and I really really enjoy them.
To be honest, Lothran has been hard to be friends with so to speak. He has lived out his life through my fingers but it took me quite a while to really "get to know him". But if it′s one thing I′ve always done and that is to listen to him. It may sound stupid, but to speak off chart here I let his thoughts about whatever come into my mind. For instance, what would I do in his very shoes in a given situation? After knowing that I take
his view in consideration. Maybe what I think would be best does not suit him in
his world?
All of this may sound too deep for some, but it really isn′t a set of rules I′ve made up. It has simply come to me while playing. The key however is to take your character seriously. Don′t constantly think "it′s just a game", but rather "this is actually for real!" Perhaps then your character will come to you and you can share a story as great as mine and Lothran′s or even Acadian′s and Buffy′s! :twirl:
'Permacharacters' are indeed in a minority it seems. I honestly don't know what it is that causes one to want to simply go further down the rabbit hole with the same character rather than starting a new one.
Well, for me it is a matter of history. The more I play with Lothran the greater history we get together. Many times, especially when he is in Bruma, we have gone through his extensive library of saves and reminisced.
- Oh yeah, I remember when we cleared that fort!
- I had completely forgotten all about the Jemane brothers!
So there′s my answer why I will stick with Lothran for as long as I will play Oblivion. To start over would almost be an insult to him, all that we′ve gone through means too much to be swept away. He truly is my friend! :foodndrink: