Open Regedit (I don't remember how to do it in Vista/7, I'm on XP right now).
-Bethesda Softworks
In the right pane, you should see an entry called (Default), and Install Path. Right click Install Path, modify, and the path you see should be the place you installed it to. If it isn't, change it.
If you don't see an entry called Install Path, create one by right clicking the same pane that you see (Default) in, Select New > String Value, name the string "Install Path" (without quotes), right click it, modify, type "C:\\Oblivion" (or wherever your Oblivion.exe and Data folder is. Again without quotes, mind the double slash).
Thank you! I was about to ask how to modify the registry for this- I did what you suggested, minding the double slash, double checked it, and still get the same error-
the OBMM config ini (maybe its the Wrye Bash ini?) has this:
so I know the path is correct.
The registry has a subheading under Oblivion called 1.00.0000- should the install path go there?
Thanks much for your help...