How do i fix "fake3D" and get proper 3D rendering?

Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:52 am

Currently i tried out the 3D in crysis using my ATI 5870. and a AMD X6 1090T
for a screen i used a interlaced polarised 22inch 3D monitor from Zalman

Before i could get it to work i HAD to add: "r_StereoSupportAMD = 1" to the System.cfg
really annoying actually because it took quite some time to figure out that this was the culprit.
(removing support on purpose from all ATI/AMD hardware)

But when i tried it out, the 3D looked HORRIBLE. [S3D nerdy information]
From what i've seen the 3D is done by rendering the 3D world and your hud in 2 layers, and then displacing the "World" layer's individual pixels depending on a generated Zdepth map.
It is similar to the process they use to "add" 3D to a movie that is shot by just one camera. (like the "Clash of the Titans" movie for example).
This saves on rendering 2 different cameras and syncing up all the special effects like particles and colourcorrections. But it adds a "refracted" edge around objects that are close to the view with a background far away.
This is very distracting and actually makes the immersion WORSE than 2D!
And also you are actually not getting "more" information that that you would see in 2D, since its just a warped 2D image. [/S3D nerdy information]

All drama aside, i can understand that for a "console" like for the PS3 and all its 3D promotions going on,
it is the only way to add 3D and still have the game look a bit decent.
But here im sitting on some hardware that can handle 2 camera's with ease. And if not, I would "sacrifice" some of the heavy post effects like Motionblur, SSAO, DOF and soft shadows to get a good framerate.

so... TLDR...

How do i set it to render 2 camera's to display 3D properly, using the game engine's 3D rendering???
i tried adding the "r_StereoMode = 1" to the system.cfg to set it to "dual rendering" but it isnt responding to that command...

i also tested the IZ3D drivers but since they are never updated anymore, they display too many 3D artefacts so that it is impossible to play them and even worse than the "fake" 3D from the engine.
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Mandi Norton
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:03 pm

since the whole story sounds kinda technical i thought i'd show it, and also so that 2D screens will see it too!

What you see here is a cropped screenshot from the game running in "SideBySide" mode. with 2 views for the 2 eyes next to eachother, this way you can see the artifacts without having to have a 3D screen
These are the artefacts each eye will see, though for one eye all the "artefacts" apear to left of objects and for the other eye to the right of objects.

The artifacts are all over the screen, but i pointed out one of the most obvious ones, in motion they are more visible though.

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Alexis Acevedo
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 11:52 am

Well, I play with the nvidia 3d vision kit, and it's prefect, they render the zlayer for each object, so they can render one camera, and make the other with everythingthat you couldnt see. and the problem with clash of the titans its that instead of rendering the z-layer, because its a movie of course, the program used some kind of auto-select tool to create the z-layer, so there were a lot of objects with the wrong depth
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Matt Bee
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:56 am

I have a lot of complaigns about crysis 2 graphics, but its the first time that I have a 3d game that is perfect and I have to turn down the resolution to play at a good framerate
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Arnold Wet
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 11:36 am

because its a movie of course, the program used some kind of auto-select tool to create the z-layer, so there were a lot of objects with the wrong depth
indeed movies dont have a "perfect" zdepth map, but still there are situations where one eye cant see what the other eye can see!

Here is a exaggerated picture of what the engine would do:

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Elisha KIng
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:29 pm

I'm returning my copy tomorrow. Stereo 3D with NVidia 3D Vision is crap. While every other game looks better in S3D, Crysis 2 which "was made in 3D since the beggining" looks terrible. I played a few levels with S3D and the lack of depth and the lack of definition (because the same image is doubled to both eyes, instead of a new image being rendered for each eye) makes the game look really bad. Console players may swallow it but PC users are used to higher quality S3D.

Crysis 2 is great, I plan to buy another copy if this issue is addressed, but for now I'm so addicted to S3D that I preffer getting back to AC:Brotherhood instead of playing an ugly "fake" 3D title (please, note that the game looks amazing in flat 3D, but in S3D the loss of image quality is huge. That's why I'm using the word ugly here)
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John N
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:55 am

In S3D the image looks like 1024x768 with high levels of AA. Just as an example, I can't read signs I'm sure I could read at the same distance on other games. If I press CTRL+T the image looks clearly better. I'm looking to a wall in flat 3D and I can see the bricks very well, but when I enable S3D the same wall looks blurry. There's a total lack of sharpness in S3D.
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