Keep in mind, you want to make it fun, and not burdensome to get gold, is too easy to type : player.additem 00000f 5000
But perhaps make it so you have to buy bottles for alchemy potions (goldsink), can only buy empty soulgems (enchanting goldsink), perhaps have to buy all the "patterns" for blacksmithing.
If you could find a way to make weapons degrade , then player would be forced to either pay an NPC gold to repair it or buy crafting materials to repair himself / herself. Somehow incorporate a gold cost into repairing / blacksmithing (maybe have to buy coal for the forge, oil for the grindstone or tanning rack). Unfortunately, don't think you can lose gold when you die, since you just reload last save. Perhaps make gold weigh more, so that you can only carry so much, then have to put remainder in the bank, and then have that bank make you pay taxes on your account balance once every 30 days (but, would be nothing preventing players just tossing gold in their houses or random chests in game). Could incorporate property taxes, and if you don't pay, you lose your house, or perhaps furniture and stuff in the house starts to unspawn (tables, beds, trophy racks, whatever, just disappear so you have to remake them, though would be an issue of items in said furniture disappearing when those items are despawned).
Regarding the value of gold (33 chicken briasts = 1 gold ingot), that's a tough one to adjust, early on you are very gold starved. You start a new game and if you just play normally (don't stand there and chop wood for 4 hours straight), it takes some time to earn 5000 gold to buy your first house, not to mention to buy the supplies to furnish it.
Biggest problem, I believe is, gold goes from being too scarce to too much, way too fast. At first most things loot like 10g, then 15 experience levels later, things are dropping 100+g. Not to mention enchanted items and potions are selling for 1000 or more gold each. Then you get to the point where merchants never have enough gold to buy your loot. Think of it this way, early on you have to buy your house for 5000 gold, then once like lvl 30 or 40, you go to buy gear, and the gear typically costs under 3000 gold. Once level 30 or 40, 3000 gold isn't that much, since you don't have much else to spend the gold on, other than maybe some training every time you level up, or potions if you don't do alchemy.
IMHO, the biggest problem is that once you buy your house, there really isn't that much to spend gold on, heck if you use blacksmithing and enchanting, you don't even really buy gear (except to maybe learn enchants, by disenchanting vendor gear).
To begin to valuate gold, I think the first step would be to give all NPC vendors like 20,000 gold to buy loot. That way it encourages players to loot items, and gives them a solid base income, then start to balance gold values on items sold to NPC's. Reason I say that is, currently , without perks, vendors typically have like 1000-1500g to buy loot, so either you have to visit many towns to sell your gear, or just rest to reset vendors (which is really a workaround for the vendor gold totals). But by giving vendors pretty much enough gold to buy all player loot, then you give players incentives to loot and you get a bigger incremental gap for the worth of gold. Simply put, in vanilla, 1000 gold isn't really worth much, but 5000g will pretty much buy ANYTHING in the game.
I think the formula for the price that vendors buy items from you should also include your current exp level, not just your skill in speech. Since, the amount of gold that your loot from monsters, and armors and weapons seem to also be regulated by exp level. This way, if you are level 5 selling glass armor to a merchant, you aren't getting almost 1000 gold per item, maybe only 50g.