I think Bethesda seriously needs to consider adding a Hardcode mode to fix this situation. I don't mean a Hardcode mode like FO:NV (having to eat, drink, etc). I mean a Hardcode mode that does some of the following:
1. No quest markers (although they need to give you some directions at least to complete quests)
2. No fast travel
3. Less level scaling - More areas will be impossible to handle as a level 1-10.
4. Harder requirements for Guilds, Questlines, etc. - You can't become an archmage if you are a level 5 warrior.
Casual gamers can stick with the normal mode, while more experiences TES players can play hardcode mode.
This doesn't seem that hard to implement? Mass Effect is now adding an "action mode" for people that don't care about conversations etc.
Why doesn't Bethesda do this???