Smithing: -
Change #1 - Leveling
Instead of simply crafting 400 Iron Daggers to reach lvl 100... Have each armor type give reduced experience after a certain Skill- level threshold, and no XP at all after a second threashold
General Example: You unlock the ability to craft "Glass" gear at level 50 Smithing, receiving the full XP for crafting those items until level 70 Smithing is reached, at which point you will only receive 20% of the original amount of XP, and no XP at all for crafting Glass gear after level 80 Smithing.
Iron - 20% of original XP past level 30 Smithing, 0% XP after level 40
Steel - 20% XP past level 40, 0% XP after level 50
Dwarven - 20% XP Past level 50, 0% XP after level 60
Advanced armors - 20% XP after level 55, 0% XP after level 65
Orcish - 20% XP past 60, 0% XP after level 70
Glass - 20% XP past level 70, 0% XP after level 80
Ebony - 20% XP past level 95, 0% XP after level 100
Daedric - no change
Dragonplate - Not relevant.
Two Problem: 1) You must take the associated perks with each equipment type to craft them in the first place. 2) Perk Tree branches into light & heavy armor directions, alienating players who chose to focus on either of those types exclusively
Solution: Change Smithing Perks to only effect UPGRADING of equipment.
Problem: Stacking identical Enchantment types produces game-breaking effects. Including damage % modifiers for melee characters, bonuses to Smithing, and Magicka reduction enchantments.
Solution: Input a limit on how far a player can stack enchantments on there gear..
Example #1: Player can possibly reach +162% bonuses to Smithing/Archery/ 1 & 2 handed weapons through potions & enchanted items, but only the first 80% actually applies. Temporary damage buff potions are not effected by this.
Example #2: Player can have -100% Destruction cost through gear, but only the first 80% actually applies.