How to fix some log errors

Post » Sun Jul 28, 2013 7:03 am

OK, I'm tired of this showing up and can't figure out why it's throwing these errors. How can I find and fix them? The property on my Bitter Wounds quest is properly filled acording to the CK. The light timer script is not attached to any object in the game that I can find, so why and how could I be getting these errors? Thanks.

Line 6: [07/27/2013 - 06:06:54PM] Cannot open store for class "BalokLightTimerInn", missing file?    Line 7: [07/27/2013 - 06:06:54PM] error: Unable to bind script BalokLightTimerInn to  (0C0CE3E0) because their base types do not match    Line 8: [07/27/2013 - 06:06:54PM] error: Unable to bind script BalokLightTimerInn to  (0C0CE3DF) because their base types do not match    Line 9: [07/27/2013 - 06:06:54PM] error: Unable to bind script BalokLightTimerInn to  (0C0CCD45) because their base types do not match    Line 10: [07/27/2013 - 06:06:54PM] error: Unable to bind script BalokLightTimerInn to  (0C0CE3DC) because their base types do not match    Line 11: [07/27/2013 - 06:06:54PM] error: Unable to bind script BalokLightTimerInn to  (0C0CCD36) because their base types do not match    Line 32: [07/27/2013 - 06:07:14PM] error: Property OrphansTearExterior on script Balo_QF_BalokBitterWounds_0104C504 attached to BalokBitterWounds (0C04C504) cannot be bound because  (000091C2) is not the right type    Line 32: [07/27/2013 - 06:07:14PM] error: Property OrphansTearExterior on script Balo_QF_BalokBitterWounds_0104C504 attached to BalokBitterWounds (0C04C504) cannot be bound because  (000091C2) is not the right type    Line 32: [07/27/2013 - 06:07:14PM] error: Property OrphansTearExterior on script Balo_QF_BalokBitterWounds_0104C504 attached to BalokBitterWounds (0C04C504) cannot be bound because  (000091C2) is not the right type    Line 52: [07/27/2013 - 06:07:14PM] error: Unable to bind script BalokLightTimerInn to  (0C0CE3E0) because their base types do not match    Line 53: [07/27/2013 - 06:07:14PM] error: Unable to bind script BalokLightTimerInn to  (0C0CCD36) because their base types do not match    Line 54: [07/27/2013 - 06:07:14PM] error: Unable to bind script BalokLightTimerInn to  (0C0CE3DF) because their base types do not match    Line 55: [07/27/2013 - 06:07:14PM] error: Unable to bind script BalokLightTimerInn to  (0C0CE3DC) because their base types do not match    Line 56: [07/27/2013 - 06:07:14PM] error: Unable to bind script BalokLightTimerInn to  (0C0CCD45) because their base types do not match    Line 78: [07/27/2013 - 06:07:14PM] error: Property OrphansTearExterior on script Balo_QF_BalokBitterWounds_0104C504 attached to BalokBitterWounds (0C04C504) cannot be bound because  (000091C2) is not the right type    Line 78: [07/27/2013 - 06:07:14PM] error: Property OrphansTearExterior on script Balo_QF_BalokBitterWounds_0104C504 attached to BalokBitterWounds (0C04C504) cannot be bound because  (000091C2) is not the right type    Line 78: [07/27/2013 - 06:07:14PM] error: Property OrphansTearExterior on script Balo_QF_BalokBitterWounds_0104C504 attached to BalokBitterWounds (0C04C504) cannot be bound because  (000091C2) is not the right type    Line 104: [07/27/2013 - 06:07:27PM] error: Unable to bind script BalokLightTimerInn to  (0C0CCD36) because their base types do not match
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Post » Sun Jul 28, 2013 4:34 am

At first glance it looks like a dirty save - might that be, or is it a fresh save that never saw your mod before?

I think that in the save the light timer quest is attached to objects, but there's no .pex for it any more. Not sure about the property errors, but I've had (and heard of) some odd things happening with properties that have been changed in the CK on the script for a base form not getting properly updated on references that the script is attached to. This may be totally different for quests, but you might try removing the script from the quest, saving and re-loading your mod, then re-attaching the script to the quest and re-setting the properties.

If it is a fresh save then I've no idea, sorry.

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lauren cleaves
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Post » Sun Jul 28, 2013 2:45 am

Fresh save outta the cave. And there IS no light timer quest. This was a script I had on an Xmarker used as an enable parent for the light at the Inn. The script was removed from the Xmarker and the marker was removed. The light source and lamps are 100 script free so I cannot understand why it's acting like something in the game is trying to fire that script. Or else I have a horrible understanding of what I'm looking at.

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des lynam
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Post » Sun Jul 28, 2013 5:30 am

You may need to check up on the IDs that the log is displaying.

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James Hate
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