-Allow people to rebind ALL their keys to whatever they want, you cant even rebind your favorites for godsake... an essential feature is just out, no one can ever use 6 to 0 to use their favorites non - or =...
-When i hit I for inventory, M for map and J for my quest log etc... i EXPECT to be able to close the meu the same way i opened it... pressing the same key.
-The pipboy should be able to switch categories by scrolling the middle mouse button, so i scroll up i go to the right and if i scroll down i go to the left, this way you explore the categories and sub categories easier.
-Sprint should NOT be a toggle on keyboard, it should be a "hold" to sprint key.
-Consistency, we need this, dont sometime ask me to press a key to close and then sometimes ask me for another key to close, sometimes this key to move through menus sometimes this other one, please dont...
-Pipboy navigation should be improved, the only suggestion i had i already posted but anything you can come by to help mouse and keyboard because its pretty messy to use it.
The game plays 1000 times better on a controler and i know because i have one but seriously i bought a copy on PC for a REASON, so i expect to be able to play with my mouse and keyboard, dont make excuses, you are selling a pc game with console controls in mind.
You owe PC gamers this.