Hello everybody this is my first post on the forums so don't let my n00bism overpower you! Anyway Im having a problem with Teldryn Sero; I had him as a follower and we ran Tel Mythrine together and when I arrived there I met the mage Talvas Fathryon. After assissting him I hit the "follow me, I need your help" button on accident. Instead of the usual "you allready have someone" speech he said "ok im right behind you" and Teldryn Sero immediately started to walk away. I kicked Talvas out of my party but now all Teldryn says is "hello sera" and wont open the dialogue options. I held E on him and I can order him to do stuff but all he does is hang out at the recdhing netch in Raven Rock. I can get other followers but he is my favorite. I tried recycleactor and resetai but both do not help me. I held e on him made him wait somewhere and pressed e on him again and the box opened for a split second before closing again. I did this again but it wont open now. Any way I can reset his AI entirely or force him to open dialogue? He has several of my favorite pieces of gear on him and I would appreciate not having to kill him. Sorry for such a ridiculously long story by the way. Any help is appreciated and I love you all of you.