I'm not the only person on earth having this problem. After a while of playing the game villages start to "die", because the people living inside them get killed by dragons, vampires and what not. I've been looking into quite some topics about this but none seem to have the right answer.
Taking Riverwood as an example, the only ones that are still alive there are some guards, the 2 kids with their dog and the guy who always sits in the inn (innkeeper is dead thou). It's been told that the crucial npc's such as shopkeepers, innkeepers, etc respawn after a specific amount of time but after a couple of in-game days the villagers don't seem to return. Resurrect in the console is a good idea, but I can't seem to find each body :/.
So is there a way to re-populate my villages? Because I'd like to have fully functional villages still .
Thanks in advance.