So after looking at a few threads about legendary weapons..I realized I'm missing out on a lot of good stuff..mostly explosive and 2-shot legendary..
I have only come across one 2-shot weapon..a laser rife..and I bought Spray n Pray, and have only seen one other dropped, a lousy pipe pistol (suppose I could of modded it to a full auto rifle..but eh, I got the Spray n Pray)..
I have never got a legenday Gauss rifle of any kind..(stole the one at Prydwen the only Gauss I have)
I have over 100+ hours spread out between 2 characters..(haven't played much lately tho)
I was just I just that unlucky?..I know difficulty settings determines the frequency of legendary enemies, but does difficulty have anything to do with how good of a drop you get from them?
I played on normal..and I see plenty of legendary enemies, except most of the drops have been useless crap..a lot of legendary vats related stuff, and worthless leather armor pieces..
I could definitely switch to higher difficulty setting if it matters..
I just want an explosive combat shotgun...or at least some better 2-shot weapons..I have read about the Overseers weapon, haven't gotten it yet, but probably will..