Work your way up

Only BS what you mine yourself, don't buy stuff!
Same with alchemy, go pick herbs and butterflies ^^
There are several ways to play this game, just make sure you find your own way

I'm playing a hunter atm (only leather or furry gear). Most importantly only wooden bows, no daedric or any off that crap.
I only craft what i scavenge, so kill wolves, deer, bears etc. Got the arrow crafting mod aswell, so feather, firewood, iron or steel.
4 stamina 1 health, 5 stamina, 1 health, 6 stamina, 1 health, so on and so on.
Using a mod for pure survival, so i MUST eat otherwise my stamina will decrease. After a day without food the stamina will decrease to zero and eventually your health will start to fall.
There's a food list in the game, you can just change how much substance they offer etc

Some stuff i forgot to post in, kinda need a smoke right now, but i'll write this down fast.
No compass! Use the stars to guide you.
Once again no compass! Want to find a place, read books and search for clues. (This game actually provide you with this hardcoe gaming).
You need to sleep aswell! Trying to fix a fatigue mod for that, still working on it.
Add about 10-20 more stuff here and you're done ^^.
Remember to find your own little place in this game.