How do i get proper flight for a dragon mount?

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:18 pm

Alrighy my problem is i have made this dragon mount out a dragon model i got on the nexus. ive got it set-up and working like a proper mount, he can walk, fly over the ground attack, everything. i can mount and dismount him properly as well. my only problem is when he flies, he doesnt fly off the ground he just hovers. ive been referencing to saiden storms akatosh mounts, but i cant figure out how he got akatosh to fly properly. ive got the flight plane he used for his akatosh, but how would i attach that to my dragon so he can fly properly as well? iany ideas? thx
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:36 pm

You'd probably get more help if you get this moved to the proper forum, in this case I assume the Construction Set forum would be appropriate.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:41 pm

Alrighy my problem is i have made this dragon mount out a dragon model i got on the nexus. ive got it set-up and working like a proper mount, he can walk, fly over the ground attack, everything. i can mount and dismount him properly as well. my only problem is when he flies, he doesnt fly off the ground he just hovers. ive been referencing to saiden storms akatosh mounts, but i cant figure out how he got akatosh to fly properly. ive got the flight plane he used for his akatosh, but how would i attach that to my dragon so he can fly properly as well? iany ideas? thx

Have you tried searching references/objects named SaidenStorm or Akatosh, etc.?
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Laura Elizabeth
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:05 pm

well i did manage to get flight working but its very uncontrollable. whenever i go into run mode the dragon instantly starts flying and doesnt stop. i also cant scroll out into 3rd person, nothing shows. i copied the script for flight and the flight plane from saidens mod into mine and left ID's the same, but my result was what i said above. im completely lost atm.
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FirDaus LOVe farhana
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:42 pm

well i did manage to get flight working but its very uncontrollable. whenever i go into run mode the dragon instantly starts flying and doesnt stop. i also cant scroll out into 3rd person, nothing shows. i copied the script for flight and the flight plane from saidens mod into mine and left ID's the same, but my result was what i said above. im completely lost atm.

Use to make SaindenStorm's Akatosh Mount into a Master file, and make your mount from that. That should preserve everything nicely.
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Kristian Perez
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:35 am

thx guys! lonmewolf_kai has given me a great idea that i must try, but afrter that i ill just esmify it and make it from there.
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John N
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