» Sun May 01, 2011 4:41 pm
Well, theres a few other things. There are the valves in the prison break, theres your accuracy, theres your bloodlossA dev came on here not long ago and pretty much said everything that's on that last screen influences your rank.And as for a little trick to up your accuracy rating and headshot count: use a melee weapon like the knife. It doesn't count towards shots fired but it does towards hits. Now, you might say "But how can you use a melee weapon and not get deaded without cheating?" to which i reply: charge at things. The AI hangs for a few seconds, and if you charge an NPC, they often don't know what to do. Even the deep ones in Hydra's lair get a little confused sometimes. It takes timing, and a fair bit of practice, but once you get it, its good. Remember in the ealier chapters, when you would draw the villagers down an alleyway and hide around a corner, then bash them? They would raise up an arm to block and stumble about?also, in hydra's lair, theres that incline towards the first statue? stand on there and they often won't know what to do, they just stop and turn around and stand there, giving you a chance for a smashing success